Timing Component Alignment Marks: Locations
Timing Chain Alignment
NOTICE: During engine repair procedures, cleanliness is extremely important. Any foreign material (including any material created while cleaning gasket surfaces) that enters the oil passages, coolant passages or the oil pan may cause engine failure.
NOTICE: Failure to verify correct timing drive component alignment will result in severe engine damage.
Install the crankshaft sprocket with the timing mark facing out. The timing mark on the LH and RH timing chains will be aligned to this mark during assembly.
If timing marks in the timing chains are not evident, use a permanent-type marker to mark the crankshaft and camshaft timing marks on the LH and RH timing chains.
1. Mark any link to use as the crankshaft timing mark.
2. Starting with the crankshaft timing mark, count 29 links and mark the link.
3. Continue counting to link 42 and mark the link.
Verify the timing with the following steps.
1. There should be 12 chain links between the camshaft timing marks.
2. There should be 27 chain links between the camshaft and the crankshaft timing marks.
3. There should be 30 chain links between the camshaft and the crankshaft timing marks.