Engine Controls - EMS2K DME Programming Hints
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M12 200 03
Cooper, Cooper S: EMS2K Reprogramming Helpful Hints
During EMS2K (DME) programming, the programming process is interrupted. Vehicle cannot be restarted, and EMS2K is not responding to DIS/GT1 interrogation.
Excessive voltage fluctuation during programming which de-energizes the main DME relay is the most likely cause.
When programming use Deutronic battery charger (PN 99 00 0 003 944 available from Parts Department) set to the "Power Supply" mode.
In the case that the DME programming interruption occurred:
1. Manually power-up the DME by jumping the main relay's (K6300) terminals 30 (power supply) and 87 (power output to DME). In order to do this, remove the main relay from its socket (DME relay is located in the fuse box, in engine compartment). Jump corresponding terminals in the relay connector (KL30 & KL87) with fused jumper cable (e.g. PN 88 88 6 611 476). After DME reset is performed, install the main relay back in its connector.
2. Perform full battery reset by connecting both battery cables through the fused jumper cable (e.g. PN 88 88 6 611 476) for approximately 30 seconds.
3. After DME and battery resets are performed, start the programming process from the beginning.
4. If DME is still not responding, contact Technical Hotline - Drivetrain.
After an approval/contact number is obtained from Technical Hotline, ship (using Fed-Ex only), the DME control module for reprogramming to:
BMW Service Engineering/Drivetrain
1 BMW Plaza
Montvale, NJ 07645,
Only cases with contact number, and only shipments through Fed-Ex, will be processed.