Electrical - Brake Lights Stay ON All The Time
SI M63 03 06Lighting
December 2006
Technical Service
This Service Information bulletin supersedes S.M. M63 202 05 dated April 2005.
Brake Lights Stay on All the Time
R50 (Cooper)
R52 (Convertible)
R53 (Cooper S) produced up to 03/05
The customer may complain that the brake lights stay on all the time. In extreme cases, other electrical functions may not work properly.
Evaporator drains water leaking into vehicle.
1. Repair and replace any components or wiring that may have been damaged because of the water intrusion.
2. Inspect the area of the evaporator drain between the evaporator housing and body for the presence of a wiring harness. If a wiring harness is present relocate it away from the evaporator drain. This may cause the evaporator not to seat properly in the body hole.
3. Check the evaporator drain body hole for excess sealer. Remove any excess sealer that may prevent the evaporator housing from seating properly.