Auto-tensioner Installation
(1) If the auto-tensioner rod is in its fully extended position, reset it as follows.
(2) While keeping the auto-tensioner level, clamp it in a vise with soft jaws.
CAUTION: The auto-tensioner must be placed at a right angle to the pressing surface of the press or vise.
(3) Push in the push rod little by little with the vise until the set hole A in the rod is aligned with set hole "B" in the cylinder.
(4) Push in the rod slowly to prevent it from being damaged.
(5) Insert a wire with a diameter of 1.4 mm (0.055 in.) into the set holes.
(6) Un-clamp the auto-tensioner from the vise.
NOTE: The wire should be as stiff as possible (such as piano wire, etc.), and should be bent into the shape of an "L".
(7) Install the auto-tensioner.
CAUTION: Leave the wire installed to the auto-tensioner.
Timing Belt Installation
(1) Install the crankshaft pulley and turn the crankshaft sprocket timing mark forward 3 teeth to move the piston slightly past No. 1 cylinder top dead center.
CAUTION: If the camshaft sprocket is turned while the No.1 cylinder is at compression top dead center, there is danger that the piston will strike the valves.
(2) Align the timing mark of the left bank side camshaft sprocket.
(3) Align the timing mark of the right bank side camshaft sprocket and hold the sprocket with a wrench so that it doesn't turn.
1. The camshaft sprocket will easily turn because of the valve spring force, so be careful not to insert your fingers, etc.
2. If the sprocket on one side of the right bank is turned one full revolution while the sprocket timing marks on the opposite side of the right bank are aligned, the intake and exhaust valves may cause interference.
(4) Check that the camshaft sprocket timing mark of the right bank side is aligned and clamp timing belt with double clips.
CAUTION: If the timing belt is being reused, install so that the arrow marked on it at the time of removal is pointing in the clockwise direction.
(5) Set the timing belt onto the water pump pulley.
(6) Check that the camshaft sprocket timing mark of the left bank side is aligned and clamp the timing belt with double clips.
(7) Set the timing belt onto the idler pulley.
(8) After aligning the crankshaft sprocket timing marks, turn the crankshaft one turn counterclockwise.
(9) Set the timing belt onto the crankshaft sprocket.
(1O) Set the timing belt onto the tension pulley.
(11) Place the tension pulley pin hole so that it is towards the top. Press the tension pulley onto the timing belt, and then provisionally tighten the fixing bolt.
(12) Align the crankshaft sprocket timing marks.
(13) Check that each of the sprocket timing marks is aligned.
(14) Remove the 4 double clips.
Timing Belt Tension Adjustment
(1) After turning the crankshaft 1/4 of a turn counterclockwise, turn it clockwise to the position where the timing marks are aligned.
(2) Loosen the center bolt on the tension pulley. Then, while using the special tool and torque wrench to apply tensioning torque to the timing belt, and tighten the center bolt to the specified torque.
Timing Belt Tensioning Torque, Reference Value: 9.4 Nm (7 ft.lbs.)
CAUTION: Make sure that the tension pulley does not rotate when the center bolt is tightened.
(3) Remove the set pin from the auto-tensioner. Make sure that the set pin can be easily removed at this time.
(4) Rotate the crankshaft two turns clockwise and leave it as is for five minutes or more. Then, check again that the set pin can be easily removed from and installed to the auto-tensioner.
NOTE: Even if the set pin cannot be easily inserted, the auto-tensioner is normal if its rod protrusion is within the standard value range.
Standard value (A): 3.8 - 4.5 mm (0.149 - 0.177 in.)
If the protrusion is out of specification, repeat steps (1) to (4).
(5) Check again that the timing marks on all sprockets are aligned properly.
Crankshaft Pulley Installation
Use the special tools to attach the crankshaft pulley to the crankshaft.
CAUTION: Use only the specified special tools or a damaged pulley damper could result.
Post-installation Operation
- A/C Compressor bracket
- A/C Compressor
- Cover
- Power steering oil pump
- Accessory mount stay
- Accessory mount
- Water pump pulley
- Cooling fan clutch assembly
- Install Under Skid Plate, Undercover
- Install Battery Tray and Battery
- Install Generator
- Install Radiator
- Adjust Engine