Fig. 10 Exploded View Of Front Suspension:
1. Remove knuckle oil seal and spacer, Fig. 10.
2. Drive out needle bearing by tapping needles uniformly.
3. Remove rebound stop.
4. Remove ring, dust cover and snap ring from upper ball joint.
5. Using tools, No. MB990799 and No. MB990800 or equivalent, remove upper ball joint.
6. Remove lower ball joint from lower arm.
7. Remove ring and dust cover from lower ball joint.
8. Using tools, No. MB990883 and No. MB990957 or equivalent, remove bushing "B" from lower arm.
9. Using tool, No. MB990958 or equivalent, remove bushing "A" from front suspension crossmember bracket. When removing LH bushing, detach differential carrier.
10. Inspect all components and replace as necessary.
11. Apply suitable grease to roller surface of needle bearing.
12. Using tool, No. MB990956 or equivalent, press in needle bearing until it is flush with knuckle end face.
13. Install spacer into knuckle with smaller inside diameter side toward needle bearing.
14. Using tool, No. MB990985 or equivalent, press in oil seal.
15. Pack suitable grease inside oil seal and on lip.
16. Line up mating marks on upper ball joint with that on upper arm.
17. Using tools, No. MB990799 and No. MB990800 or equivalent, press ball joint into upper arm.
18. Insert snap ring into groove in ball joint case. If snap ring is loose, replace as necessary.
19. Install dust cover and ring and fit to groove of ball joint.
20. Assemble ball joint to lower arm and tighten to specification.
21. Install dust cover with embossed portion facing forward, then install ring into groove of ball joint case.
22. Coat bushing "B" and lower arm with soap solution, then press bushing into lower arm, using tools, No. MB990883 and No. MB990957 or equivalent. Press in bushing, ensuring both ends of bushing protrude from lower arm by same amount.
23. Using tool, No. MB990958 or equivalent, press in busing "A" with collar of bushing facing forward.