Inspection Procedure 1
DIAGNOSISSTEP 1. Check for oil, water, etc., on the pad or ling contact surface of all brakes.
If found, replace the part and determine source/cause of foreign material. Check symptom.
If condition no longer exists, diagnosis is complete. If condition persists, go to Step 2.
If normal, go to Step 2.
STEP 2. If equipped with rear drum brakes, check the lining and brake drum contact.
If not, go to Step 5.
Pull chalk on the inner surface of the brake drum. Rub the lining against the drum inner surface.
NOTE: Clean off chalk after check.
If the lining wipes off, or at least smudges, the chalk across the full width of the lining, go to Step 3.
If not, replace the shoe and ling assemblies on both sides. Go to Step 4.
STEP 3. Check the auto adjuster function.
If faulty, repair it. Then recheck the symptom. If the symptom is eliminated, diagnosis is complete. If the symptom is not eliminated, start over at step 1. If a new symptom surfaces, refer to the symptom chart.
If normal, go to Step 4.
STEP 4. Check the brake drum inside diameter.
If faulty, replace the part. Then recheck the symptom. If the symptom is eliminated, diagnosis is complete. If the symptom is not eliminated, start over at step 1. If a new symptom surfaces, refer to the symptom chart.
STEP 5. Check disc brake pistons for smooth operation.
1. With engine not running, depress the brake pedal rapidly several times to deplete booster vacuum reserves. 2. Test each disc brake assembly one at a time.
1) Remove the lower caliper bolt, then remove caliper from mount.
2) Have an assistant slowly depress the brake pedal. Confirm piston(s) extend slowly and smoothly with no jumpiness. Repeat for each disc brake assembly.
3) If piston(s) moves correctly, go to Step 6.
If piston(s) does not move correctly, disassemble and inspect brake assembly
STEP 6. Check brake disc(s) for run-out.
If faulty, repair and replace as necessary. Recheck the symptom. If the symptom is eliminated, diagnosis is complete. If the symptom is not eliminated, start over at step 1. If a new symptom surfaces, refer to the symptom chart.
If not faulty, go to Step 7.
STEP 7. Check brake discs for correct thickness.
If faulty, repair or replace as necessary. Recheck symptom. If the symptom is not eliminated, start over at step 1. If a new symptom surfaces, refer to the symptom chart.
If not faulty, recheck symptom. If the symptom is eliminated, diagnosis is complete. If the symptom is not eliminated, start over at step 1. If a new symptom surfaces, refer to the symptom chart.