FUEL USAGE STATEMENTCAUTION: Using leaded gasoline in your car will damage the catalytic converters and heated oxygen sensors, and affect the warranty coverage validity.
Your vehicle must use unleaded gasoline only. This vehicle has a fuel filler tube which is especially designed to accept only the smaller-diameter unleaded gasoline dispensing nozzle.
Your car is designed to operate on unleaded gasoline having a minimum octane rating of 87 [(MON + RON)/2], or 91 RON.
MON: Motor Octane Number
RON: Research Octane Number
Some gasoline sold at service stations contain alcohol although they may not be so identified.
Using fuels containing alcohol is not recommended unless the nature of the blend can be determined as being satisfactory.
Gasohol: A mixture of 10 % ethanol (grain alcohol) and 90 % unleaded gasoline may be used in your vehicle. If driveability problems are experienced as a result of using gasohol, it is recommended that the vehicle be operated on gasoline.
Methanol: Do not us. gasoline containing methanol (wood alcohol). Using this type of alcohol can result in vehicle performance deterioration and damage critical parts in the fuel system components. Fuel system damage and performance problems resulting from the use of gasoline containing methanol may not be covered by the new vehicle warranty
Unleaded gasoline containing 15 % or less MTBE may be used in your vehicle. (Fuel containing MTBE over 15 % in volume may cause reduced engine performance and produce vapor lock or hard starting.
Indiscriminate use of fuel system cleaning agents should be avoided. Many of these materials intended for gum and varnish removal may contain highly active solvents or similar ingredients that can be harmful to gasket and diaphragm materials used in fuel system component parts.