Disc Brakes
1. Pull parking brake lever with a force of approximately 45 lbs. and count number of clicks. Lever stroke should be 5-7 clicks.2. If parking brake lever stroke is not within specifications, proceed as follows:
a. Remove center console, then loosen adjusting nut on end of cable rod to free parking brake cable.
b. With engine idling, depress brake pedal several times and confirm that the pedal stroke stops changing. If pedal stroke stops changing, it indicates that automatic adjusting mechanism is functioning properly to adjust clearance between pads and disc to correct value.
c. Ensure parking lever on caliper side is in contact with the stopper.
d. Turn adjusting nut to adjust parking brake lever stroke to specified range. If number of brake lever notches engaged are less than specified value, cable has been pulled excessively and failure of the automatic adjuster mechanism may result.
e. After adjusting lever stroke, raise and support rear of vehicle. With parking brake lever released, turn rear wheels to ensure rear brakes are not dragging.
f. Ensure parking brake lever on caliper side is in contact with the stopper.