Fig. 5 DCR-342 carburetor exploded view.:
1. Disconnect choke and accelerator pump connecting links, and remove linkage return spring and vacuum break vacuum hose noting installation position, Fig. 5.
2. Remove screws securing choke chamber to main body then the choke chamber and gasket
3. Remove idle compensator cover, gasket and idle compensator.
4. Disassemble accelerator pump actuating levers, noting installation positions of levers and springs for assembly
NOTE: Choke chamber should not be disassembled further unless, choke coil, choke break mechanisms, choke shaft or plates must be repaired or replaced
5. Remove dashpot fast idle controls or throttle switch assembly as equipped, from secondary throttle diaphragm capsule.
6. Disconnect actuating link, then remove secondary throttle diaphragm capsule assembly and gasket and the fast idle cam and lock-out lever assembly.
7. Remove screws securing throttle chamber, noting installation position of screw with hole for power valve, then separate throttle chamber and gasket from main body.
8. Remove connecting links from throttle levers noting installation position.
9. Remove concealment plug, rotate idle mixture screw clockwise until lightly seated recording number of turns necessary, then remove mixture screw.
NOTE: Throttle chamber should not be disassembled further unless shafts, throttle plates or actuating levers must be repaired or replaced.
10. Remove anti-dieseling solenoid valve and BCDD assembly from main body.
11. Remove accelerator pump piston retainer screws and the piston assembly.
12. Remove fuel inlet bolt inlet and screen, and the needle and seat assembly.
13. Remove float bowl cover retainer, cover and gasket and the float
14. Remove main metering jet well plug retainer and the plugs.
15. Record calibration value and installation position of fuel metering jets and air bleeds, then remove jets, air bleeds and power valve, taking care not to damage or distort calibrated orifices and keeping components in order for assembly
16. Remove accelerator pump discharge ball plug, spring, weight and check ball.