High Clutch
High ClutchHigh Clutch:
Clutches and Brakes / HIGH CLUTCH:
Service procedures for high clutch are essentially the same as those for reverse clutch, with the following exception:
Check of high clutch operation
Removal and installation of return spring
Inspection of high clutch return springs
Inspection of high clutch drive plate
Thickness of drive plate:
Standard.....................1.52 - 1.67 mm (0.0598 - 0.0657 inch)
Wear limit...........................1.40 mm (0.0551 inch)
Measurement of clearance between retaining plate and snap ring
Specified clearance:
Standard........................1.8 - 2.2 mm (0.071 - 0.087 inch)
Allowable limit
VG33E only:........................2.8 mm (0.110 inch)
VG33ER only:........................2.2 mm (0.087 inch)