Brake Lamp: Description and Operation
STOP LAMPSystem Description
Power is supplied at all times
- through 10 A fuse [No. 20, located in fuse block (J/B)]
- to stop lamp switch terminal 1, and
- to stop lamp relay terminals 2 and 3 (with hill descent control and hill start assist).
When the brake pedal is pressed, the stop lamp switch is closed and power is supplied
- through stop lamp switch terminal 2
- to rear combination lamp LH and RH terminal 2
- to high-mounted stop lamp terminal 1
- to ABS actuator and electric unit (control unit) terminal 41, and
- to stop lamp relay terminal 5 (with hill descent control and hill start assist).
Ground is supplied
- to rear combination lamp LH terminal 5
- through ground B85, and
- to rear combination lamp RH terminal 5
- through ground B160, and
- to high-mounted stop lamp terminal 2
- through grounds B406 and B652.
With power and ground supplied, the stop lamps illuminate.