Rear Final Drive M226
Precaution for Servicing Rear Final Drive
- Before starting diagnosis of the vehicle, understand the symptoms well. Perform correct and systematic operations.
- Check for the correct installation status prior to removal or disassembly. When matching marks are required, be certain they do not interfere with the function of the parts they are applied to.
- Overhaul should be done in a clean work area, a dust proof area is recommended.
- Before disassembly, completely remove sand and mud from the exterior of the unit, preventing them from entering into the unit during disassembly or assembly.
- Always use shop paper for cleaning the inside of components.
- Avoid using cotton gloves or a shop cloth to prevent the entering of lint.
- Check appearance of the disassembled parts for damage, deformation, and abnormal wear. Replace them with new ones if necessary.
- Gaskets, seals and O-rings should be replaced any time the unit is disassembled.
- Clean and flush the parts sufficiently and blow them dry.
- Be careful not to damage sliding surfaces and mating surfaces.
- When applying sealant, remove the old sealant from the mating surface; then remove any moisture, oil, and foreign materials from the application and mating surfaces.
- In principle, tighten nuts or bolts gradually in several steps working diagonally from inside to outside. If a tightening sequence is specified, observe it.
- During assembly, observe the specified tightening torque.
- Add new differential gear oil, petroleum jelly, or multi-purpose grease, as specified.