Owner Letter
Sample Owner's LetterDear Nissan Owner:
Nissan has received reports of leaks in the fuel injection system in 1985-1988 Maxima and 1984-1989 300ZX vehicles. Fuel leaks in your engine could result in a fire. A fire in your engine compartment would pose a safety risk. To reduce the risk of engine fires, Nissan will replace all of the fuel injectors and related hoses on your car, free of charge, regardless of your car's age or mileage. We are taking this step because we are concerned about your safety and satisfaction, even though we do not believe that these fuel leaks are due to any defect in your vehicle.
The fuel injection system in your car was designed in the early 1980s using state-of-the-art technology at that time. Since then, however, certain fuel additives have been approved for use in gasoline. These additives have resulted in deterioration of the fuel injectors, causing fuel leaks. In addition, fuel hoses that wear out due to age can leak fuel, contributing to the risk of fire. Nissan's recommended maintenance practices call for the replacement of deteriorated injectors and worn out fuel hoses in the fuel injector systems of these vehicles. Nissan has become concerned that some owners have postponed or omitted necessary maintenance of their vehicle's fuel injection system due to the expense, therefore increasing the risk of engine fire.
Nissan urges you to take advantage of this free fuel injector and related fuel hose replacement offer. The new fuel injectors have been made to reduce the effects of additives used in today's gasoline and the new fuel hoses will further reduce the possibility of leaks. After the new injectors and hoses are installed, it will continue to be important for you to follow the recommended maintenance schedule for the fuel injection system, including an inspection every 30,000 miles.
Contact your Nissan dealer as soon as possible to arrange for an appointment to have this free replacement service. The replacement will take approximately 2 hours, but your dealer may require your vehicle for a longer period of time based upon work schedules. Please bring this notice with you when you keep your appointment. Instructions have been sent to your dealer. If the dealer fails, or is unable to make the necessary repairs free of charge, you may contact the Maxima/300ZX Campaign Headquarters, P.O. Box 2009, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48303. The toll free telephone number is: 1-800-867-7669. If you reside in Hawaii, please call: 808-836-0888.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has a toll free auto safety hotline which can provide information to you concerning auto safety issues. Their number is: 1-800-424-9393 (Washington, D.C. area residents may call: 202-366-0123).
If you have paid to have your fuel injectors replaced due to leakage, as a matter of customer goodwill, Nissan will reimburse you for reasonable documented costs. Please complete the enclosed Customer Goodwill Reimbursement Request Form and submit it along with all supporting documents to the address indicated. Nissan is taking this action to ensure your continued satisfaction with our products.
Thank you for your cooperation. We hope that you will take advantage of this important and unique program. We look forward to serving your automotive needs now and for many years to come.