Timing Belt: Service and Repair
- Do not bend or twist timing belt.
- After removing timing belt, do not turn crankshaft and camshaft separately because valves will strike piston heads.
- Make sure that timing belt, camshaft sprocket, crankshaft sprocket and belt tensioner are clean and free from oil and water.
1. Remove engine under cover.
2. Drain engine coolant from radiator.
NOTE: Be careful not to spill coolant on drive belts.
3. Remove radiator shroud and fan.
4. Remove the following belts.
- Power steering drive belt
- Compressor drive belt
- Alternator drive belt
5. Remove suction pipe bracket of coolant and lower hose from suction pipe.
6. Remove all spark plugs.
7. Set No. 1 cylinder at T.D.C. on its compression stroke.
8. Remove idler bracket of the compressor drive belt and crankshaft pulley.
9. Remove front upper and lower belt covers.
Loosening Tensioner Pulley:
10. Loosen timing belt tensioner nut. turn tensioner. and then remove timing belt.
11. Inspect belt tensioner and tensioner spring
- check belt tensioner for smooth turning.
- Check condition of tensioner spring.
1. Confirm that No. 1 cylinder is set at T.D.C. on its compression stroke.
2. Install tensioner and tensioner spring.
NOTE: If stud is once removed, apply locking sealant to threads of stud before installing.
Retracting Spring Tensioner:
3. Swing tensioner fully clockwise with hexagon wrench, and temporarily tighten lock nut.
4. Set timing belt.
(1) Align white lines on timing belt with punchmarks on camshaft sprockets and crankshaft sprocket.
(2) Point arrow on timing belt toward front belt cover.
Reference: Number of teeth between sprockets.
5. Loosen tensioner lock nut, keeping tensioner steady with a hexagon wrench.
6. Turn tensioner 70 to 80 degrees clockwise with hexagon wrench, and temporarily tighten lock nut.
7. Turn crankshaft clockwise 2 or 3 times, then slowly set No.1 cylinder at T.D.C. on its compression stroke.
8. Push middle of timing belt between R.H. camshaft sprocket and tensioner pulley with force of 98 N (10 kg. 22 lb).
9. Loosen tensioner lock nut, keeping tensioner steady with a hexagon wrench.
10. Set thickness gauge as shown in the image which is 0.35 mm (0.0138 in) thick and 12.7 mm (0.500 in) wide.
11. Turn crankshaft clockwise, and set thickness gauge as shown in the image.
- Timing belt will move about 2.5 teeth.
12. Tighten tensioner lock nut. keeping tensioner steady with a hexagon wrench.
13. Turn crankshaft clockwise or counterclockwise. and remove thickness gauge.
14. Turn crankshaft clockwise 2 or 3 times, then slowly set No.1 cylinder at T.D.C. on its compression stroke.
15. Install lower and upper belt covers.