High Clutch
High Clutch:
- Compress clutch springs and remove snap ring from spring retainer.
- Place clutch drum onto oil pump, and withdraw clutch piston with compressed air.
1. Check clutch drive plate facing for wear or damage. Drive plate thickness must not be less than 1 .8 mm (0.071 in).
Standard drive plate thickness: 1.6 mm (0.063 in)
2. Check for wear on snap ring, weak or broken coil springs, and warped spring retainer.
3. Lubricate clutch drum bushing, and install inner seal and piston seal as illustrated. Be careful not to stretch seals during installation.
- Never assemble clutch dry; always lubricate its components thoroughly.
- Always install piston seal in direction shown in figure at left.
4. Assemble piston, being careful not to allow seal to kink or become damaged during installation.
Use Tool, which does not damage lip seal, to make sure the lip seal goes into place.
After installing piston, turn piston by hand to ensure that there is no binding.
5. Install clutch springs.
6. Reinstall snap ring. Be sure snap ring is properly seated.
7. Install driven plates, drive plates, and secure with snap ring.
Retaining Plate Of High Clutch:
8. Measure clearance between retaining plate and snap ring. Always measure the existing minimum clearance, since snap ring is a wave type.
Specified clearance:
Standard: 1.4 - 1.8 mm (0.055 - 0.071 in)
Allowable limit: 2.4 mm (0.094 in)
9. Check high clutch operation using compressed air.