EGR Control Solenoid
[1][2]A/C RelayResistance between coil terminals continuity
Air Fuel Mixture
CO content [2] less than 7 %
Air Induction Valve Solenoid
Operating voltage 12 vdc
Resistance value continuity
Auxiliary Air Control Valve
Resistance value [1] 10 Ohms
Canister Purge Solenoid
Operating voltage 12 vdc
Resistance value continuity
Crank Angle Sensor
Output voltage
Between terminal a & ground [5] 5 vdc
Between terminal d & ground [6] 5 vdc
Detonation (Knock) Sensor
Resistance between terminal A and ground [7] continuity
ECCS Relay
Resistance between terminals 1 and 2 continuity
EGR Solenoid
Operating voltage 12 vdc
Resistance value continuity
EGR Temperature Sensor
Resistance value [3] 85.3 ± 8.53 K ohms
Engine Temperature Sensor
Resistance value at specified temperature
2.1 - 2.9 .K K ohms 20° C (68° F)
0.68 - 1.00 K ohms 50° C (122° F)
0.3 - 0.33 K K ohms 80° C (176° F)
Fuel Injector
Resistance value [1] 11 ohms 68° F [20° C]
Fuel Pump
Resistance between terminals 1 and 3 0.5 Ohms
Fuel Pump Relay
Resistance between terminals 1 and 2 continuity
Ignition Coil
Primary circuit resistance [1] 0.7 Ohms
Ignition Resistor
Resistance between terminals 2.2 K ohms
SCV Solenoid
Operating voltage 12 vdc
Resistance value continuity
Throttle Sensor
Voltage between terminals A and B at idle [1] 0.45 - 0.55 vdc
Vehicle Speed Sensor
Resistance value [4] alternates between open & closed
[1] Approximately
[2] With 2.5 K ohm resistor in place of engine temperature
sensor and with A.I.V and O2 sensor disconnected.
[3] At 100° C (212° F)
[4] Two times per revolution while turning sensor.
[5] Comes and goes 4 times per revolution.
[6] Comes and goes 360 times per revolution.
[7] An ohmmeter that can measure more than 10 Megohms
is required.