1. Drain A.T.F.
2. Remove torque converter.
3. Remove oil pump shaft and input shaft.
4. Remove inhibitor switch.
5. Remove snap retainer, governor cap and O-ring.
6. Remove oil pan and oil pan gasket.
7. Check foreign materials in oil pan to help determine cause of malfunction. If the fluid is very dark, smells burned, or contains foreign particles, the frictional material (clutches, band) may need replacement. A tacky film that will not wipe clean indicates varnish build up which can cause valves, servo, and clutches to stick and may inhibit pump pressure.
8. Remove control valve assembly mounting bolts.
9. Remove control valve assembly from transmission case.
10. Remove manual valve from control valve assembly.
- Be careful not to drop manual valve.
11. Disconnect throttle wire from throttle lever.
12. Remove manual shaft fixing nut.
13. Pull out manual shaft retaining pin.
14. Remove manual plate, parking rod assembly, throttle lever return spring, throttle lever and manual shaft.
15. Straighten throttle wire lock washer.
16. Remove throttle wire from transmission case.
17. Remove parking actuator support and actuator support spring from transmission case.
18. Loosen brake band anchor end pin lock nut, and back off anchor end pin.
19. Remove accumulator piston by applying compressed air.
- Hold piston with a rag so it does not lump out.
20. Remove converter housing fixing bolts.
21. Remove converter housing from transmission case by tapping it.
- Be careful not to drop final drive assembly.
- Do not lose output shaft end play adjusting shim.
22. Straighten lock washer for idler gear bolt.
23. Remove idler gear bolt and lock washer.
24. Remove front cover fixing bolts.
25. Tap output shaft, then remove it together with front cover.
- Hold front cover when tapping output shaft.
26. Remove front cover gasket.
27. Remove idler gear, idler gear shaft and idler gear shaft bearings by tapping idler gear shaft.
28. Remove final drive assembly from transmission case.
29. Remove governor shaft retaining bolt.
30. Remove governor valve assembly from transmission case.
31. Remove output shaft end play adjusting shim.
32. Remove rear internal gear assembly and thrust washer.
33. Remove one-way clutch snap ring.
34. Remove one-way clutch with rear planetary carrier and thrust washers.
35. Check one-way clutch rotates in the directions of lock and unlock.
36. Remove one-way clutch from rear planetary carrier by rotating it in the direction of unlock.
37. Remove sun gear assembly, thrust washer and needle bearing.
38. Remove front planetary carrier and bearing races.
39. Remove front internal gear and needle bearing.
40. Remove forward clutch assembly, thrust washer, seal bushing, bearing race and needle bearing.
41. Remove high-reverse clutch assembly and thrust washer.
42. Remove brake band.
- To prevent brake lining from cracking or peeling, do not stretch the flexible band unnecessarily. Before removing the brake band, always secure it with a clip as shown in the figure at left.
43. Pull out parking pawl shaft, then remove parking pawl and return spring.
44. Remove low and reverse brake retainer.
45. Remove low and reverse brake piston by applying compressed air.
- Hold low and reverse brake piston with a nylon cloth so it does not jump out.
46. Remove oil pump assembly.
Lift oil pump assembly straight out of transmission case.
47. Remove band servo piston and return spring.
48. Remove band brake servo by applying compressed air, then remove retainer and return spring.