1. Using clean compressor oil, remove dirt and other matter from rear cover, cylinder head, and suction valve plate.
2. Using suitable blocks, position compressor with front face downward and rear upward.
3. Coat gas pipe O-ring with ample amount of clean refrigerant oil, then install two pins and O-ring in rear of cylinder.
4. Apply a coat of clean refrigerant oil to cylinder surface.
5. Install suction valve plate, ensuring that three valves properly align with cylinders.
6. Coat three O-rings with ample amount of clean refrigerant oil, then assemble cylinder head and install three O-rings in their respective positions.
7. Carefully fit rear end cover to rear of compressor.
8. Install 5 lock washers and cover attaching bolts.
Fig. 6 Rear end cover bolts removal & installation sequence. Hitachi compressors:
9. Using suitable tool, tighten bolts in alternating pattern, starting at top, Fig. 6.
10. Using same sequence, torque bolts to 14 - 15 ft. lbs.
11. Fill compressor with new refrigerant oil and perform leak test.