Component Specifications
A/C RelayResistance between coil terminals 1 and 2 continuity
AAC Valve
Resistance value 10 ohms
Air Fuel Mixture
CO content [2] between 0.2 & 8.0 %
Crank Angle Sensor
Output voltage
Between terminal 3 & ground [6] 5 VDC
Between terminal 4 & ground [7] 5 VDC
ECCS Relay
Resistance between coil terminals 1 and 2 continuity
Engine Temperature Sensor
Resistance Value
2.1 - 2.9 K ohms at 20° C (68° F)
0.68 - 1.0 K ohms at 50° C (122° F)
0.30 - .33 K ohms at 80° C (176° F)
EGR Solenoid
Operating voltage 12 VDC
Resistance value continuity
EGR Temperature Sensor
Resistance value [3] 85 K ohms
Fuel Injector
Resistance value [1] 10 - 14 Ohms
Fuel Pump
Resistance between terminals A and C [1] 0.5 Ohms
Fuel Pump Relay
Resistance between coil terminals 1 and 2 continuity
Idle Switch
Closes idle speed + 250 ± 150 rpm in neutral
Ignition Coil
Supply voltage 12 VDC
Primary resistance 0.8 Ohms [5]
Secondary resistance [5] 8 - 12 K ohms
Knock Sensor
Resistance value between terminals continuity
Oxygen Sensor Heater
Resistance value between terminals a & c 3 - 1000 ohms
Mass Air Flow Sensor
Output Voltage: [8]
terminal b to ground, engine idling with no load 0.8 - 1.5 VDC
terminal b to ground as engine is revved up to 3.0 VDC
Supply Voltage 12 VDC
Power Steering Pressure Switch
With steering wheel turned continuity
With steering wheel straight ahead no continuity
Power Valve Control Solenoid
Operating voltage 12 VDC
Resistance value continuity
Radiator Fan Relay(s)
Resistance between coil terminals 1 and 2 continuity
Throttle Sensor
Resistance value between terminals b & c
At idle [1] 1 K ohm
At 1/2 throttle [1] 1 K - 9 K ohm
At full throttle [1] 9 K ohm
Throttle Switch
Resistance value between terminals b & c
Accelerator pedal released continuity
Accelerator pedal depressed no continuity
Valve Timing Control Solenoid
Operating voltage 12 VDC
Resistance value continuity
With 12 VDC applied plunger moves
Vehicle Speed Sensor
Resistance value [4] alternates between open & closed
[1] Approximately
[2] With 2.5 K ohm resistor in place of cylinder head
temperature sensor and with O2 sensor disconnected.
[3] At 100° C (212° F.
[4] Two times per revolution while turning sensor.
[5] At 20° C (68° F).
[6] Comes and goes 3 times per revolution.
[7] Comes and goes 360 times per revolution.
[8] Engine fully warmed up, MAF terminal connected.