Assembly - Part 2
15. Install snap ring with screwdriver.
16. Install needle bearing on transmission case.
- Apply petroleum jelly to needle bearing.
- Pay attention to direction of needle bearing.
17. Install bearing race, needle bearing and high clutch hub on front sun gear.
- Apply petroleum jelly to needle bearing.
- Pay attention to direction of needle bearing.
18. Install needle bearing and high clutch drum on high clutch hub.
19. Install needle bearing on high clutch drum.
- Apply petroleum jelly to needle bearing.
- Pay attention to direction of needle bearing.
20. Remove paper rolled around input shaft.
21. Install input shaft assembly in reverse clutch.
- Align teeth of reverse clutch drive plates before installing.
22. Install reverse clutch assembly on transmission case.
- Align teeth of high clutch drive plates before installing.
Adjustment 2
When any parts listed in the following table are replaced, total end play or reverse clutch end play must be adjusted.
1. Adjust total end play "T1".
a. With original bearing race installed, place Tool onto oil pump. The long ends of legs should be placed firmly on machined surface of oil pump assembly. The gauging cylinder should rest on top of bearing race. Lock gauging cylinder in place with set screw.
b. Install gauging plunger into cylinder.
c. With needle bearing installed on high clutch drum, place Tool legs on machined surface of transmission case (with gasket). Then allow plunger to rest on needle bearing.
d. Measure gap between cylinder and plunger. This measurement should give exact total end play.
Total end play "T1": 0.25 - 0.55 mm (0.0098 - 0.0217 in)
- If end play is out of specification, decrease or increase thickness of bearing race as necessary.
Available bearing race: Refer to Specifications. Mechanical Specifications
2. Adjust reverse clutch drum end play "T2".
a. Place Tool on machined surface of transmission case (with gasket). Then allow gauging cylinder to rest on reverse clutch drum. Lock cylinder in place with set screw.
b. Install gauging plunger into cylinder.
c. With original thrust washer installed on oil pump, place Tool legs onto machined surface of oil pump assembly.
Then allow plunger to rest on thrust washer.
d. Measure gap between cylinder and plunger with feeler gauge. This measurement should give exact reverse clutch drum end play.
Reverse clutch drum end play "T2": 0.55 - 0.90 mm (0.0217 - 0.0354 in)
- If end play is out of specification, decrease or increase thickness of thrust washer as necessary.
Available thrust washer: Refer to Specifications. Mechanical Specifications
Assembly 3
1. Install anchor end pin, washer and lock nut on transmission case.
2. Place brake band and strut on periphery of reverse clutch drum. Then, tighten anchor end pin just enough so that brake band is fitted on periphery of reverse clutch drum uniformly.
3. Place bearing race selected in total end play adjustment step on oil pump cover.
- Apply petroleum jelly to bearing race.
4. Place thrust washer selected in reverse clutch end play step on reverse clutch drum.
- Apply petroleum jelly to thrust washer.
5. Install oil pump assembly, baffle plate and gasket on transmission case.
6. Tighten oil pump fixing bolts to the specified torque.
7. Install O-ring to input shaft.
- Apply ATF to O-ring.
8. Adjust brake band.
a. Tighten anchor end pin to the specified torque.
Anchor end pin: With Tightening Torque: 4 - 6 N.m (0.4 - 0.6 kg.m, 2.9 - 4.3
b. Back off anchor end pin two and a half turns.
c. While holding anchor end pin, tighten lock nut.
9. Apply compressed air to oil holes of transmission case and check operation of brake band.
10. Install final drive assembly on transmission case.
11. Install oil tube on converter housing.
12. Install O-ring on differential oil port of transmission case.
13. Install converter housing on transmission case.
- Apply locking sealant to mating surface of converter housing.
14. Install accumulator piston.
a. Check contact surface of accumulator piston for damage.
b. Install O-rings on accumulator piston.
- Apply ATF to O-rings.
Accumulator piston O-rings: Refer to Specifications. Specifications
c. Install accumulator pistons and return springs on transmission case.
- Apply ATF to inner surface of transmission case.
Return springs: Refer to Specifications. Specifications
15. Install lip seals for band servo oil holes on transmission case.
- Apply petroleum jelly to lip seals.
16. Install tube and sleeve.
17. Install control valve assembly.
a. Insert manual valve into control valve assembly.
- Apply ATF to manual valve.
b. Set manual shaft in Neutral position.
c. Install control valve assembly on transmission case while aligning manual valve with manual plate.
d. Pass solenoid harness through transmission case and install terminal body on transmission case by pushing it.
e. Install stopper ring to terminal body.
Bolt Length, Number And Location:
f. Tighten bolts (I), (X) and (O).
18. Install oil pan.
a. Attach a magnet to oil pan.
b. Install new oil pan gasket on transmission case.
c. Install oil pan on transmission case.
- Always replace oil pan bolts as they are self-sealing bolts.
- Tighten four bolts in a criss-cross pattern to prevent dislocation of gasket.
d. Tighten drain plug to the specified torque.
19. Install inhibitor switch.
a. Set manual lever in "P" position.
b. Temporarily install inhibitor switch on manual shaft.
c. Move selector lever to "N" position.
d. Insert 4.0 mm (0.157 in) dia. pin into adjustment hole in both inhibitor switch and manual shaft as near vertically as possible.
e. Tighten inhibitor switch fixing bolts.
f. Remove pin from adjustment hole after adjusting inhibitor switch.
20. Install oil charging pipe and oil cooler tube to transmission case.
21. Install torque converter.
a. Pour ATF into torque converter.
- Approximately 1 liters (1-1/8 US qt, 7/8 Imp qt) of fluid are required for a new torque converter.
- When reusing old torque converter, add the same amount of fluid as was drained.
b. Install torque converter while aligning notches of torque converter with notches of oil pump.
c. Measure distance "A" to check that torque converter is in proper position.
Distance "A": 14 mm (0.55 in) or more