How to Follow This Flowchart
Work And Diagnostic Procedure:
1. Work and diagnostic procedure
Start to diagnose a problem using procedures indicated in enclosed blocks, as shown in the image.
2. Measurement results
Required results are indicated in bold type in the corresponding block, as shown below:
These have the following meanings:
Battery voltage -> 11 - 14V or approximately 12V
Voltage: Approximately 0 V -> Less than 1 V
3. Cross reference of work symbols in the text and illustrations
Illustrations are provided as visual aids for work procedures. For example, symbol (A) indicated in the left upper portion of each illustration corresponds with the symbol in the flowchart for easy identification. More precisely, the procedure under the "CHECK POWER SUPPLY" outlined previously is indicated by an illustration (A).
4. Symbols used in illustrations
Symbols included in illustrations refer to measurements or procedures. Before diagnosing a problem, familiarize yourself with each symbol.
Direction mark