Overall System Checks
BINDING/ROUGH TURNING STEERING WHEELWhen steering wheel does not turn smoothly, check the steering column.
1. Make sure that wheel alignment is correct.
2. Verify that the steering gear is centered before removing the steering wheel.
1. Check that the steering wheel is in the neutral position when driving straight ahead.
2. If it is not in the neutral position, remove the steering wheel and reinstall it correctly.
3. If the neutral position is between two teeth, loosen tie rod lock nuts. Turn the tie rods by the same amount in opposite directions on both left and right sides.
1. With wheels in a straight ahead position, check steering wheel play. Steering wheel play is 35 mm (1.38 inch) or less.
2. If it is not within specification, check the following for loose or worn components:
- Steering gear assembly
- Steering column
- Front suspension and axle
1. Park vehicle on a level, dry surface and set parking brake.
2. Start engine.
3. Bring power steering fluid up to adequate operating temperature.
NOTE: Make sure temperature of fluid is approximately 60 - 80° C (140 - 176° F) and tires need to be inflated to normal pressure.
4. Check steering wheel turning force when steering wheel has been turned 360° from the neutral position. The steering wheel turning force 39 N (9 lbs.) or less.
5. If steering wheel turning force is out of specification, check rack sliding force.
a. Disconnect steering column lower joint and knuckle arms from the gear.
b. Start and run engine at idle to make sure steering fluid has reached normal operating temperature.
c. Pull tie rod slowly to move it from neutral position to ± 11.5 mm (± 0.453 inch). Check that rack sliding force is 186 - 284 N (42 - 64 lbs.)
6. If rack sliding force is not within specification, overhaul steering gear assembly.
7. If rack sliding is within specifications, inspect the steering column.