Wiper and Washer Systems: Service and Repair
Wiper Arms1. Prior to wiper arm installation, turn on wiper switch to operate wiper motor and then turn it OFF (Auto Stop).
2. Lift the blade up and then set it down onto glass surface to set the blade center to clearance "L1" & "L2" immediately before tightening nut.
3 Eject washer fluid. Turn on wiper switch to operate wiper motor and then turn it OFF.
4. Ensure that wiper blades stop within clearance "L1" & "L2"
Clearance "L1": 45 mm (1.77 in)
Clearance "L2": 38 mm (1.5O in)
^ Tighten wiper arm nuts to specified torque.
Front wiper: 17 - 23 N.m (1.7 - 23 kg-m, 12 - 17 ft-lb)
^ Before reinstalling wiper arm, clean up the pivot area as illustrated. This will reduce possibility of wiper arm looseness.