Parking Brake System: Adjustments
ADJUSTMENTBefore or after adjustment, pay attention to the following points:
- For rear disc brake be sure that toggle lever returns to stopper when parking brake lever is released.
- There is no drag when parking brake lever is released.
1. Adjust clearance between shoe and drum/pad and rotor as follows:
a. Release parking brake lever and loosen adjusting nut.
b. Depress brake pedal fully at least 10 times with engine running.
2. Pull control lever 4 - 5 notches. Then adjust control lever by turning adjusting nut.
Parking Brake Lever Adjustment:
3. Pull control lever with specified amount of force. Check lever stroke and ensure smooth operation.
Number of notches: 7 - 8
4. Bend warning lamp switch plate to ensure:
- Warning lamp comes on when lever is lifted "A" notches.
- Warning lamp goes out when lever is fully released.
Number of "A" notches: 1