Incident 3: A & B Pillars
Incident 3: Wind noise "hiss" along front door roofline between A & B pillars.Verify:
1. Test drive the vehicle to verify the wind noise.
Figure 4:
2. Apply high quality masking tape to cover the seam between the upper edge of the front door and the body (across the weather strip) along the length of the door (see Figure 4).
3. Test drive again.
A. If the wind noise is significantly reduced, you have located the source of wind noise and this section applies.
B. If wind noise still exists, this section does not apply, review other incidents identified in this bulletin.
To identify where a leak exists, try either of the following methods:
1. Close the door. From the outside, insert a business card or feeler gauge down between the door and the weather strip. Slide the card along the weather strip. A loose spot indicates a potential leak.
2. Open the door. Spray the top edge of the door contact with powder spray (Crest Leak-Trace, Stock No. AT-R, or equivalent. Dealers should call 1(800)822-4100 to find their local Crest distributor. Carefully close the door, pushing at the striker until the second latch has closed (try not to push the door past the second latch closing, this may mask the leak detection process). Re-open the door. An un-smeared spot will indicate a potential leak.
Cut a piece of foam seal (3M Scotchfoam P/N 051131-06370 Tape No.4504 or equivalent) 7 mm wide (approximately one-quarter inch) and the length of the leak. Attach this foam seal to the body-side of the weather strip where the leak exists (see Figure 5.) This will increase the contact force between the door and the weather strip, sealing the air gap.
Test drive the vehicle and confirm that the noise from the front door roofline no longer exists.