A. Wash Procedure
Wash Equipment and Materials:Spray wash system (a mobile or stationary unit with hand held spray similar to a coin operated car wash that provides soap solution, rinse water and de-ionized final rinse).
Car wash detergent containing no phosphates, (Nissan P/N 999MP-A3100).
Clean 100% cotton terry cloth towels.
De-ionized water for the final rinse. De-ionized water is highly recommended as it reduces water spotting. De-ionizing cylinders can be purchased or rented from water purification companies
1. During the summer months, the early morning hours are the best time to wash a car unless you can wash and dry it in the shade. Never wash a car under the hot sun. All paint is subject to water spot damage when washed under the sun due to high surface temperature.
2. Thoroughly rinse oft the surface dirt and foreign materials with a spray of clean tap water.
3. Gently apply detergent and water solution (Nissan P/N 999MP-A3100), keeping it wet for 4-5 minutes. To avoid scratching the finish, do not rub, gently move the solution around with light pressure. Do not allow the solution to dry before rinsing. Use, clean warm water and a clean terry cloth towel. Frequently rinse off the terry cloth towel to avoid scratches from entrapped dirt. Replace the towel with a clean one once it becomes soiled.
When washing a convertible rear window use gentle horizontal and vertical strokes, do not use a circular motion.Use a clean terry cloth towel. Also refer to NTB92-092 for additional information on convertible wash procedure.
4. Rinse with a spray of clean tap water. Make sure all detergent is flushed off the body. If soap dries on the convertible rear window or some moldings it may cause streaking. Use a spray of de-ionized water for the final rinse.
5. Use a clean damp terry cloth towel and gentle pressure to remove the majority of the rinse water allowing the remaining water film to air dry. Replace the towel frequently to avoid scratches from entrapped dirt.
6. Always wash, rinse, and dry a vehicle beginning with the roof and glass. Then the hood and trunk followed by the vertical surfaces. Wash, rinse, and dry one section at a time if low humidity causes fast drying. Do not allow soap solution or rinse water to dry on the finish.