Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Main Bearing Cap Torque Values


- When installing sliding parts (bearings, pistons, etc.), lubricate contacting surfaces with new engine oil.
- Place removed parts such as bearings and bearing caps in their proper order and direction.
- When installing connecting rod nuts and main bearing cap bolts, apply new engine oil to threads and seating surfaces.
- Do not allow any magnetic materials to contact the ring gear teeth of flywheel or drive plate.

Piston And Crankshaft

1. Place engine on engine stand (ST0501SOOO).
2. Remove cylinder head and timing chain.
3. Remove oil pan.

4. Remove pistons with connecting rods.
- To disassemble piston and connecting rod, first remove snap rings. Heat piston to 60 to 70°C (140 to 158°F) then use piston pin press to remove pin.
- When piston rings are not replaced, make sure that piston rings are mounted in their original positions.
- When replacing piston rings, if there is no punchmark, install with either side up.
5. Remove rear oil seal retainer.

6. Remove main bearing beam, bearing cap and crankshaft as shown.
- Bolts should be loosened in two or three steps.

Piston And Piston Pin Clearance

1. Measure inner diameter of piston pin hole "dp".
Standard diameter "dp": 21.991 - 21.999 mm (0.8658 - 0.8661 inch)

2. Measure outer diameter of piston pin "Dp".
Standard diameter "Dp": 21.991 - 21.999 mm (0.8658 - 0.8661 inch)
3. Calculate interference fit of piston pin to piston.
Dp - dp: 0 - 0.004 (0 - 0.0002 inch)
If it exceeds the above value, replace piston assembly with pin.

Piston Ring Side Clearance

Side clearance:
Top ring: 0.045 - 0.080 mm (0.0018 - 0.0031 inch)
2nd ring: 0.030 - 0.065 mm (0.0012 - 0.0026 inch)
Max. limit of side clearance: 0.2 mm (0.008 inch)
If out of specification, replace piston ring. If clearance exceeds maximum limit with new ring, replace piston.

Piston Ring End Gap

End gap:
Top ring 0.20 - 0.30 mm (0.0079 - 0.0118 inch)
2nd ring 0.35 - 0.50 mm (0.0138 - 0.0197 inch)
Oil ring 0.20 - 0.60 mm (0.0079 - 0.0236 inch)
Max. limit of ring gap: 1.0 mm (0.039 inch)
If out of specification, replace piston ring. If gap exceeds maximum limit with a new ring, rebore cylinder and use oversized piston and piston rings. Refer to Piston, Engine; Specifications and Piston Ring, Engine; Specifications.
- When replacing the piston, check cylinder block surface for scratches or seizure. If scratches or seizure are found, hone or replace the cylinder block.

Connecting Rod Bend And Torsion

0.15 mm (0.0059 inch):
per 100 mm (3.94 inch) length

0.30 mm (0.0118 inch)
per 100 mm (3.94 inch) length

If it exceeds the limit, replace connecting rod assembly.

Cylinder Block Distortion And Wear
Clean upper surface of cylinder block.

Use a reliable straightedge and feeler gauge to check the flatness of cylinder block surface. Check along six positions shown in figure.
Block surface flatness:
Standard: Less than 0.03 mm (0.0012 inch)
Limit: 0.10 mm (0.004 inch)
If out of specification, resurface it.
The limit for cylinder block resurfacing is determined by the amount of cylinder head resurfacing.

Amount of cylinder head resurfacing is "A".
Amount of cylinder block resurfacing is "B".
The maximum limit is as follows: A + B = 0.2 mm (0.008 inch)
Nominal cylinder block height from crankshaft center: 211.25 - 211.35 mm (8.3169 - 8.3208 inch)
If necessary, replace cylinder block.

Piston-to-bore Clearance

1. Using a bore gauge, measure cylinder bore for wear, out-of-round and taper.
Standard inner diameter: 86.000 - 86.030 mm (3.3858 - 3.3870 inch)
Wear limit: 0.20 mm (0.0079 inch)
Out-of-round (X - Y) standard: 0.015 mm (0.0006 inch)
Taper (A - B and A - C) standard: 0.010 mm (0.0004 inch)
If it exceeds the limit, rebore all cylinders. Replace cylinder block if necessary.

2. Check for score and seizure. If seizure is found, hone it.
- If cylinder block and piston are replaced, match piston grade with grade number on cylinder block upper surface.

3. Measure piston skirt diameter.
Piston diameter "A": Refer to Piston, Engine; Specifications.
Measuring point "a" (Distance from the bottom): 14.0 mm (0.551 inch)
4. Check that piston-to-bore clearance is within specification.
Piston-to-bore clearance = bore measurement "C" - Piston diameter "A": 0.010 - 0.030 mm (0.0004 - 0.0012 inch)
5. Determine piston oversize according to amount of cylinder wear.
Oversize pistons are available for service. Refer to Piston, Engine; Specifications.
6. Cylinder bore size is determined by adding piston-to-bore clearance to piston diameter "A".
Rebored size calculation:
D = A + B - C
D: Bored diameter
A: Piston diameter as measured
B: Piston-to-bore clearance
C: Honing allowance 0.02 mm (0.0008 inch)

7. Install main bearing caps and tighten bolts to 26 to 32 Nm (2.7 to 3.3 kg-m, 20 to 24 ft. lbs.) as shown. This will prevent distortion of cylinder bores, otherwise cylinder bores may be distorted in final assembly.
8. Cut cylinder bores.
- When any cylinder needs boring, all other cylinders must also be bored.
- Do not cut too much out of cylinder bore at a time. Cut only 0.05 mm (0.0020 inch) or so at a time.
9. Hone cylinders to obtain specified piston-to-bore clearance.
10. Measure finished cylinder bore for out-of-round and taper.
- Measurement should be done after cylinder bore cools down.

1. Check crankshaft main and pin journals for score, wear or cracks.

2. With a micrometer, measure journals for taper and out-of-round.
Out-of-round (X - Y):
Taper (A - B):
Main journal: Less than 0.005 mm (0.0002 inch)
Pin journal: Less than 0.003 mm (0.0001 inch)

3. Measure crankshaft runout.
Runout (Total indicator reading): Less than 0.05 mm (0.0020 inch)

Bearing Clearance

- Use Method A or Method B. Method A is preferred because it is more accurate.

Method A (Using bore gauge and micrometer)

Main bearing
1. Set main bearings in their proper positions on cylinder block and main bearing cap.
2. Install main bearing cap and main bearing beam to cylinder block.
Tighten all bolts in correct order in two or three stages.

3. Measure inner diameter "A" of each main bearing.

4. Measure outer diameter "Dm" of each crankshaft main journal.
5. Calculate main bearing clearance.
Main bearing clearance = A - Dm
Standard: 0.004 - 0.022 mm (0.0002 - 0.0009 inch)
Limit: 0.050 mm (0.0020 inch)
If it Exceeds the limit, replace bearing.
- If clearance cannot be adjusted within the standard of any bearing, grind crankshaft main journal and use undersized bearing.

- When grinding crankshaft journal, confirm that "L" dimension in fillet roll is more than the specified limit. "L": 0.1 mm (0.004 inch)
- Refer to Crankshaft, Engine; Specifications for grinding crankshaft and available service parts.

- If crankshaft is replaced, select thickness of main bearings as follows:
a. Grade number of each cylinder block main journal is punched on the respective cylinder block. These numbers are punched in either Arabic or Roman numerals.

b. Grade number of each crankshaft main journal is punched on the respective crankshaft. These numbers are punched in either Arabic or Roman numerals.
c. Select main bearing with suitable thickness according to the following table.

How to select main bearings (identification mark and color)

For example:
Cylinder block main journal grade number: 1
Crankshaft main journal grade number: 2
Main bearing grade number = 1 + 2
= 3 (D, Yellow)

Connecting rod bearing (Big end)
1. Install connecting rod bearing to connecting rod and cap.
2. Install connecting rod cap to connecting rod.
Tighten bolts to the specified torque.

3. Measure inner diameter "C" of each bearing.

4. Measure outer diameter "Dp" of corresponding crankshaft pin journal.
5. Calculate connecting rod bearing clearance.
Connecting rod bearing clearance = C - Dp
Standard: 0.020 - 0.045 mm (0.0008 - 0.0018 inch)
Limit: 0.065 mm (0.00256 inch)
If it exceeds the limit, replace bearing.
- If clearance cannot be adjusted within the standard of any bearing, grind crankshaft journal and use undersized bearing. Refer to crankshaft for fillet roll remarks, grinding crankshaft and available service parts.

- If crankshaft is replaced with a new one, select connecting rod bearing according to the table above.

- The connecting rod bearing grade numbers are punched in either Arabic or Roman numerals.

Method B (Using Plastigage)

- Do not turn crankshaft or connecting rod while Plastigage is being inserted.
- If incorrect bearing clearance exists, use a thicker or undersized main bearing to ensure specified clearance.

Connecting Rod Bushing Clearance (Small end)

1. Measure inner diameter "C" of bushing.

2. Measure outer diameter "Dp" of piston pin.
3. Calculate connecting rod bushing clearance.
Connecting rod bushing clearance = C - Dp
Standard: 0.005 - 0.017 mm (0.0002 - 0.0007 inch)
Limit: 0.023 mm (0.0009 inch)
If it exceeds the limit, replace connecting rod assembly or connecting rod bushing and/or piston set with pin.

Replacement Of Connecting Rod Bushing (Small end)

1. Drive in small end bushing until it is flush with end surface of rod.
Be sure to align the oil holes.
2. Ream the bushing so that clearance with piston pin is within specification.
Clearance between connecting rod bushing and piston pin: 0.005 - 0.017 mm (0.0002 - 0.0007 inch)

Replacement Of Pilot Bushing (M/T) Or Pilot Converter (A/T)

1. Remove pilot bushing or pilot converter using Tool or suitable tool.

2. Install pilot bushing or pilot converter as shown.

Flywheel/Drive Plate Runout

Runout (Total indicator reading):
Flywheel (M/T model): Less than 0.15 mm (0.0059 inch)
Drive plate (A/T model): Less than 0.20 mm (0.0079 inch)

- Be careful not to damage the ring gear teeth.
- Check the drive plate for deformation or cracks.
- Do not allow any magnetic materials to contact the ring gear teeth.
- Do not resurface flywheel. Replace as necessary.


- When installing sliding parts (bearings, pistons, etc.), lubricate contacting surfaces with new engine oil.
- Place removed parts such as bearings and bearing caps in their proper order and direction.
- When installing connecting rod nuts and main bearing cap bolts, apply new engine oil to threads and seating surfaces.
- Do not allow any magnetic materials to contact the ring gear teeth of flywheel or drive plate.


1. Install new snap ring on one side of piston pin hole.

2. Heal piston to 60° to 70°C (140° to 158°F) and assemble piston, piston pin, connecting rod and new snap ring.
- Align the direction of piston and connecting rod.
- Numbers stamped on connecting rod and cap correspond to each cylinder.
- After assembly, make sure connecting rod swings smoothly.

3. Set piston rings as shown.

- When piston rings are not replaced, make sure that piston rings are mounted in their original positions.
- Install new piston rings either side up if there is no punch mark.

- Align piston rings so that end gaps are positioned as shown.


1. Set main bearings in their proper positions on cylinder block and main bearing cap.
- Confirm that correct main bearings are selected by using Method A or Method B.
- Apply new engine oil to bearing surfaces.

2. Install crankshaft, main bearing caps and beam, then tighten bolts to the specified torque.
- Prior to tightening bearing cap bolts, shift crankshaft back and forth to properly seat the bearing cap.
- Apply new engine oil to threads and seating surfaces of bearing cap bolts before installing them.
- Tightening procedure:
a. Tighten all bolts to 32 to 38 Nm (3.3 to 3.9 kg-m, 24 to 28 ft. lbs.).

b. Turn all bolts 45 to 50 degrees clockwise with Tool or suitable angle wrench.

- If an angle wrench is not available, mark all bearing cap bolts on the side facing engine rear. Then, turn each bolt specified degrees clockwise. Confirm angle of degrees with a graduator, not by eye measurement.
- After securing bearing cap bolts, make sure crankshaft turns smoothly by hand.

3. Measure crankshaft end play.
Crankshaft end play:
Standard: 0.10 - 0.26 mm (0.0039 - 0.0102 inch)
Limit: 0.30 mm (0.0118 inch)
If beyond the limit, replace thrust bearing with new one.

4. Install connecting rod bearings in connecting rods and connecting rod caps.
- Confirm that correct bearings are used.
- Install bearings so that oil hole in connecting rod aligns with oil hole of bearing.
- Apply new engine oil to bolt threads and bearing surfaces.

5. Install pistons with connecting rods.

a. Install them into corresponding cylinders with Tool.
- Make sure connecting rod does not scratch cylinder wall.
- Make sure connecting rod bolts do scratch crankshaft pin journals.
- Arrange so that front mark on piston head faces engine front.
- Apply new engine oil to piston rings and sliding surface of piston.

b. Install connecting rod caps.
- Apply new engine oil to threads and seat surfaces.
Tighten connecting rod cap nuts using the following procedure:
1 Tighten nuts to 14 to 16 Nm (1.4 to 1.6 kg-m, 10 to 1:2 ft. lbs.).
2 Turn all nuts 60 to 65 degrees clockwise.
If an angle wrench is not available, tighten nuts to 38 to 44 Nm (3.9 to 4.5 kg-m, 28 to 33 ft. lbs.).

6. Measure connecting rod side clearance.
Connecting rod side clearance:
Standard: 0.20 - 0.35 mm (0.0079 - 0.0138 inch)
Limit: 0.50 mm (0.0197 inch)
If beyond the limit, replace connecting rod and/or crankshaft.

7. Install rear oil seal retainer.

a. Before installing rear oil seal retainer, remove old liquid gasket from mating surface.
- Also remove old liquid gasket from mating surface of cylinder block.

b. Apply a continuous bead of liquid gasket to mating surface of rear oil seal retainer.
- Use Genuine RTV silicone sealant Part No. 999 MP-A7007 or equivalent.
- Apply around inner side of bolt holes.