Dome Lamp: Description and Operation
MODELS WITH POWER DOOR LOCKSPower supply and ground
Power is supplied at all times:
- through 40 A fusible link (Letter (d), located in the fuse and fusible link box)
- to circuit breaker-1 terminal (1)
- through circuit breaker-1 terminal (2)
- to smart entrance control unit terminal (1) (with theft warning system), (6) (without theft warning system).
Power is supplied at all times:
- through 10 A fuse [No. (24), located in the fuse block (J/B)]
- to key switch terminal (2)
When the key is removed from ignition key cylinder, power is interrupted:
- through key switch terminal (1)
- to smart entrance control unit terminal (24) (with theft warning system), (12) (without theft warning system).
With the ignition key switch in the ON or START position, power is supplied:
- through 10 A fuse [No. 8, located in the fuse block (J/B)]
- to smart entrance control unit terminal (11) (with theft warning system), (20) (without theft warning system).
Ground is supplied:
- to smart entrance control unit terminal (10) (with theft warning system), (1)(without theft warning system).
- through body grounds terminal (M2) and (M61).
When the front LH door is opened, ground is supplied:
- from front door switch LH terminal (1)
- to smart entrance control unit terminal (15) (with theft warning system), (25) (without theft warning system).
When any other door is opened ground is supplied to smart entrance control unit terminal (16) (with theft warning system), (26) (without theft warning system) in the same manner as the front door switch LH. When a signal, or combination of signals is received by the smart entrance control unit, ground is supplied:
- through smart entrance control unit terminal (9) (with theft warning system), (5) (without theft warning system).
- to room lamp terminal (D).
With power and ground supplied, the room lamp illuminates.
Switch operation
When the room lamp switch is ON, ground is supplied:
- to room lamp
- through case ground of room lamp.
With power and ground supplied, the room lamp turns ON.
Room lamp timer operation
When the room lamp switch is in the DOOR position, the smart entrance control unit slowly (about 3 seconds) illuminates the room lamp then keeps the room lamp illuminated for about 30 seconds then slowly turns off when:
- unlock signal is supplied from multi-remote controller (Models with multi-remote control system)
- key is removed from ignition key cylinder while any door is closed
- any door is opened and then closed while ignition switch is not in the ON position (However, room lamp timer operation is OFF when any door is opened with ignition key in cylinder).
The timer is canceled, and room lamp turns off when:
- lock signal is supplied from multi-remote controller, or
- ignition switch is turned ON.
ON-OFF control
When any door is opened, the room lamp turns on while the room lamp switch is in the DOOR position.
Room lamp battery saver
The smart entrance control unit shuts off the room lamp if left on for 30 minutes.
Power is supplied at all times:
- through 10 A fuse [No. (24), located in the fuse block (J/B)]
- to room lamp terminal (D).
With the room lamp switch ON, ground is supplied to turn room lamp ON.
When any door is opened with the room lamp switch in DOOR position, ground is supplied:
- to room lamp switch terminal (1)
- through front door switch LH or RH terminal (1), rear door switch LH or RH terminal (1).
With power and ground supplied, the room lamp turns ON.