Manual Shaft
1. Remove detent spring from transmission case.
2. Drive out manual plate retaining pin.
3. Drive and pull out parking rod plate retaining pin.
4. Remove parking rod plate from manual shaft.
5. Draw out parking rod from transmission case.
6. Pull out manual shaft retaining pin.
7. Remove manual shaft and manual plate from transmission case.
8. Remove manual shaft oil seal.
- Check component parts for wear or damage. Replace if necessary.
1. Install manual shaft oil seal.
- Apply ATF to outer surface of oil seal.
2. Install manual shaft and manual plate.
3. Align groove of manual shaft and hole of transmission case.
4. Install manual shaft retaining pin up to bottom of hole.
5. Install parking rod to parking rod plate.
6. Set parking rod assembly onto manual shaft and drive retaining pin.
- Both ends of pin should protrude.
7. Drive manual plate retaining pin.
- Both ends of pin should protrude.
8. Install detent spring. Tighten detent spring bolts to the specified torque. Refer to the top image in this article.