Oil Pump
1. Remove seal rings.
2. Loosen bolts in a crisscross pattern and remove oil pump cover.
3. Remove inner and outer gear from oil pump housing.
4. Remove O-ring from oil pump housing.
5. Remove oil pump housing oil seal.
Oil pump housing, oil pump cover, inner gear and outer gear
- Check for wear or damage.
Side clearance
- Measure side clearance of inner and outer gears in at least four places around each outside edge. Maximum measured values should be within specified positions.
Standard clearance: 0.030 - 0.050 mm (0.0012 - 0.0020 inch)
- If clearance is less than standard, select inner and outer gear as a set so that clearance is within specifications.
Inner and outer gear: Refer to "PLANETARY CARRIER AND OIL PUMP", under Specifications; Mechanical.
- If clearance is more than standard, replace whole oil pump assembly except oil pump cover.
- Measure clearance between outer gear and oil pump housing.
Standard clearance: 0.111 - 0.181 mm (0.0044 - 0.0071 inch)
Allowable limit: 0.181 mm (0.0071 inch)
- If not within allowable limit, replace whole oil pump assembly except oil pump cover.
Seal ring clearance
- Measure clearance between seal ring and ring groove.
Standard clearance: 0.10 - 0.25 mm (0.0039 - 0.0098 inch)
Allowable limit: 0.25 mm (0.0098 inch)
- If not within allowable limit, replace oil pump cover assembly.
1. Install oil seal on oil pump housing.
2. Install O-ring on oil pump housing.
- Apply ATF to O-ring.
3. Install inner and outer gears on oil pump housing.
- Be careful of direction of inner gear.
4. Install oil pump cover on oil pump housing.
a. Wrap masking tape around splines of oil pump cover assembly to protect seal. Position oil pump cover assembly on oil pump housing assembly, then remove masking tape.
b. Tighten bolts in a crisscross pattern.
: 7 - 11 Nm (0.7 - 1.1 kg-m, 61 - 95 inch lbs.)
5. Install new seal rings carefully after packing ring groove with petroleum jelly.
- Do not spread gap of seal ring excessively while installing. The ring may be deformed.