Battery: Service and Repair
- Do not "quick charge" a fully discharged battery.
- Keep the battery away from open flame while it is being charged.
- When connecting the charger, connect the leads first, then turn on the charger. Do not turn on the charger first, as this may cause a spark.
- If battery electrolyte temperature rises above 60°C (140°F), stop charging. Always charge battery at a temperature below 60°C (140°F).
Charging Rates:
Do not charge at more than 50 ampere rate.
NOTE: The ammeter reading on your battery charger will automatically decrease as the battery charges. This indicates that the voltage of the battery is increasing normally as the state of charge improves. The charging amps indicated above refer to initial charge rate.
- If, after charging, the specific gravity of any two cells varies more than 0.050, the battery should be replaced.