Adjustment (2)
Adjustment (2)When any parts listed below are replaced, adjust total end play and reverse clutch end play.
1. Adjust total end play "T1".
a. With original bearing race installed, place Tool onto oil pump. The long ends of legs should be placed firmly on machined surface of oil pump assembly. The gauging cylinder should rest on top of bearing race. Lock gauging cylinder in place with set screw.
b. Install gauging plunger into cylinder.
c. With needle bearing installed on high clutch drum, place Tool legs on machined surface of transmission case (with gasket). Then allow plunger to rest on needle bearing.
d. Measure gap between cylinder and plunger. This measurement should give exact total end play.
Total end play "T1": 0.25 - 0.55 mm (0.0098 - 0.0217 inch)
- If end play is out of specification, decrease or increase thickness of bearing race as necessary.
2. Adjust reverse clutch drum end play "T2".
a. Place Tool on machined surface of transmission case (with gasket). Then allow gauging cylinder to rest on reverse clutch drum. Lock cylinder in place with set screw.
b. Install gauging plunger into cylinder.
c. With original thrust washer installed on oil pump, place Tool legs onto machined surface of oil pump assembly. Then allow plunger to rest on thrust washer.
d. Measure gap between cylinder and plunger with feeler gauge. This measurement should give exact reverse clutch drum end play.
Reverse clutch drum end play "T2": 0.55 - 0.90 mm (0.0217 - 0.0354 inch)
- If end play is out of specification, decrease or increase thickness of thrust washer as necessary.