Electrical - Starting/Charging/Battery Testing
Classification: EL99-016VReference: NTB99-048V
Date: March 11, 2010
This bulletin has been amended. The Service Information has been updated. Please discard all earlier versions.
All Nissans including Altima Hybrid HEV* 12 volt battery
*For information on using this tool with Altima Hybrid 12 volt batteries, refer to NTB07-007.
The Midtronics GR-8 - Battery and Electrical Diagnostic Station is the factory-approved battery, starter, and alternator tester.
^ For warranty documentation purposes, as of September 30, 2008 the GR-8 is the only approved diagnostic tool for batteries, starters, and alternators.
^ Print-outs from this tester are required for claim reimbursements related to batteries, starters, and/or alternators.
^ For additional information regarding claims reimbursements, refer to the current Nissan Assurance Products Resource Manual.
^ For the complete GR-8 User Guide, refer to ASIST - TOOLS & EQUIPMENT.
^ Additional tools and replacement parts can be ordered from TECH-MATE.
^ This essential tool was shipped to your dealership and invoiced to your Nissan Non-Vehicle account in three equal installments of $641.00 (plus applicable taxes) in accordance with your dealer agreement with Nissan North America, Inc. This price includes both the GR8-1200-NI and the EXP-800-NI shipped in April 2008.
Nissan vehicles equipped with standard lead/acid batteries use one of two different types with unique battery rating specifications: JIS & CCA.
JIS = Japan Industrial Standard, used for Japan produced batteries
CCA = Cold Cranking Amps, standard for North American produced batteries
^ JIS batteries have different testing specifications than CCA batteries.
^ If you must use the GR-8 Battery Tester in a mode other than MODEL mode, JIS Mode MUST ALWAYS BE USED for JIS batteries otherwise an incorrect result will occur. NEVER test a JIS battery using the CCA test in the GR-8; the test software in the GR-8 is different for JIS and CCA modes. ANY CCA value you may have for a JIS-type battery is inaccurate for testing purposes.
^ ALWAYS test with the GR-8 using the MODEL mode (if available).
^ Selecting MODEL and vehicle type will automatically select the proper JIS or CCA value for the Original Equipment battery.
^ If the applicable vehicle is not listed, update the GR-8 to make sure it has the most recent data package. (1)
(1) To run the Midtronics Update Wizard for the GR-8 tester in CONSULT III:
^ Make sure the cables from the GR-8 to the multitasker are connected and both units are turned on.
^ Click on the ASIST icon.
^ Click on INFO. Tool Box.
^ Select Midtronics GR-8.
^ Midtronics Update Wizard file screen displays.
^ Click on Change MUP File.
^ The Select a MUP file window displays with the path: C:\ProgramFiles\Midtronics\MUW.
^ Select 192-725C and click OK.
^ Click on next and follow the prompts on the Midtronics Update Wizard screen.
If the applicable vehicle still is not listed:
1) Determine which type of battery (CCA or JIS) is installed in the vehicle. See below for descriptions of each battery.
2) Select CCA or JIS in the GR-8 based on the type of battery installed. See below for more information.
Determine the Battery Type
Batteries with JIS (Japanese Industrial Standard) Number
^ Batteries installed in vehicles produced in Japan have a JIS number embossed in the plastic on top of the battery.
^ These vehicles have a VIN that begins with the letter "J".
Batteries with CCA (Cold Cranking Amps) Number
^ Batteries installed in vehicles produced in North America have a CCA number displayed on the label attached to the top of the battery.
^ These vehicles have a VIN that begins with a number: 1, 3, or 5.
Selecting CCA or JIS in the GR-8 Battery Tester
Vehicles with JIS Battery
^ Select JIS, then choose the option that matches the first five (5) characters of the JIS number on the battery.
DO NOT select CCA when testing a JIS battery.
Vehicles with CCA Battery
^ Select CCA, then choose the option that matches the number following "Cold Cranking Amps" on the battery.
Reference Material
The following information can be printed and attached to the GR-8, if needed.