Exterior Moulding / Trim: Service and Repair
EXTERIORRemoval and Installation
Hood Front Seal:
1. Hood Front Seal
Cowl Top Seal And Cowl Top Grille:
2. Cowl Top Seal
Cowl Top Seal And Cowl Top Grille:
3. Cowl Top Grille
Windshield Side Molding:
4. Windshield Side Molding
Windshield Upper Molding:
5. Windshield Upper Molding
Drip Weatherstrip:
6. Drip Weatherstrip
Body Side Welt:
7. Body Side Welt
Door Weatherstrip:
8. Door Weatherstrip
Rear Window Molding:
9. Rear Window Molding
Rear Door Parting Seal:
10. Rear Door Parting Seal
Door Outside Molding:
11. Door Outside Molding
12. Sunroof Lid Weatherstrip
Sunroof Weatherstrip is part of the glass lid and must be replaced as an assembly.
Side Guard Molding:
13. Side Guard Molding
Trunk Lid Weatherstrip:
14. Trunk Lid Weatherstrip
Rear Combination Lamp:
15. Rear Combination Lamp
Rear Air Spoiler And High-mounted Stop Lamp:
16. Rear Air Spoiler and High-Mounted Stop Lamp
Fender And Center Mudguard:
17. Fender and Center Mudguard