Engine: Service and Repair
Removal and Installation
^ Situate the vehicle on a flat and solid surface.
^ Place chocks at front and back of rear wheels.
^ Attach proper slingers and bolts described in PARTS CATALOG if engine slingers are not equipped.
^ Always be careful to work safely, avoid forceful or uninstructed operations.
^ Do not start working until exhaust system and coolant are cool enough.
^ If items or work required are not covered by the engine section, follow the applicable procedures.
^ Always use the support point specified for lifting.
^ Use either 2-pole lift type or separate type lift as best you can. If board-on type is used for unavoidable reasons, support at the rear axle jacking point with a transmission jack or similar tool before starting work, in preparation for the backward shift of center of gravity.
Remove the engine and the transaxle assembly from the vehicle downward. Separate the engine and the transaxle.
1. Remove engine undercover
2. Drain engine coolant from radiator.
^ Perform this step when the engine is cold.
^ Do not spill engine coolant on drive belt.
3. Remove front fender protector (RH and LH).
4. Remove exhaust front tube.
5. Remove drive shafts (LH and RH) from steering knuckle.
6. Remove transaxle joint bolts which pierce at oil pan (upper) lower rear side.
7. Remove rear torque rod (1).
A/T model shown CVT and M/T models similar.
8. Remove hood assembly.
9. Remove cowl top cover and cowl top extension assembly.
10. Release fuel pressure.
11. Remove battery and battery tray.
12. Remove drive belt.
13. Remove air duct and air cleaner case assembly.
14. Remove cooling fan assembly.
15. Remove radiator hose (upper and lower).
16. Disconnect A/T, CVT fluid cooler hoses.
17. Disconnect all connections of engine harness around the engine mounting insulator (LH), and then temporarily secure the engine harness into the engine side.
Protect connectors using a resin bag to protect against foreign materials during the operation.
18. Disconnect fuel feed hose at engine side.
19. Disconnect heater hoses, and install plugs them to prevent engine coolant from draining.
20. Disconnect control cable from transaxle.
21. Remove ground cable at transaxle side.
22. Remove ground cable between front cover and vehicle.
23. Remove generator.
24. Remove A/C compressor with piping connected from the engine. Temporarily secure it on the vehicle side with a rope to avoid putting load on it.
25. Remove the intake manifold to prevent the hanging chain from interfering.
26. Install engine slinger to cylinder head front left side (A) and rear right side (B) and support the engine position with a hoist.
<---: Engine front
Slinger bolts: 25.5 Nm (2.6 kg-m, 19 ft-lb)
27. Support engine and transaxle assembly with a hoist and secure the engine in appropriate position.
28. Use a manual lift table caddy (A) or equivalently rigid tool such as a transmission jack. Securely support bottom of the engine and the transaxle, and simultaneously adjust hoist tension.
Put a piece of wood or something similar as the supporting surface, secure a completely stable condition.
29. Remove torque rod (RH) (1), engine insulator (RH) (2) and engine bracket (RH) (3).
4: Engine insulator (LH)
A: Engine front side
B: Transaxle side
30. Remove engine through bolt-securing nut (C).
31. Remove the engine and the transaxle assembly from the vehicle downward by carefully operating supporting tools.
^ During the operation, make sure that no part interferes with the vehicle side.
^ Before and during this lifting, always check if any harnesses are left connected.
^ During the removal operation, always be careful to prevent the vehicle from failing off the lift due to changes in the center of gravity.
^ If necessary, support the vehicle by setting jack or suitable tool at the rear.
^ During operation, securely support the engine by placing a piece of wood under the engine oil pan and transaxle oil pan. Securely support the engine slingers with a hoist.
32. When the engine hoisting is not performed simultaneously, install engine slinger to cylinder head front left side and rear right side.
33. Remove starter motor.
34. Lift with a hoist and position above engine.
35. Separate the engine and the transaxle.
Note the following, and install in the reverse order of removal.
^ Do not allow engine oil to get on engine mounting insulator. Be careful not to damage engine mounting insulator.
^ When installation directions are specified, install parts according to the directions. Refer to "Component".
^ Prior to installing the upper torque rod, apply a light coat of silicone lubricant (A) to the washer facing side of the bushing inner tube as shown.
^ Apply silicone lubricant (A) by dabbing the outward facing tube surface with a sponge or suitable tool.
^ Do not apply excess lubricant.
<---: Vehicle front
^ Make sure that each mounting insulator is seated properly, and tighten nuts and bolts.
^ Tighten engine mounting insulator (RH) bolts in the numerical order shown.
<---: Vehicle front
Inspection for Leaks
The following are procedures for checking fluids leak, lubricates leak and exhaust gases leak.
^ Before starting engine, check oil/fluid levels including engine coolant and engine oil. If less than required quantity, fill to the specified level.
^ Use procedure below to check for fuel leakage.
^ Turn ignition switch "ON" (with engine stopped). With fuel pressure applied to fuel piping, check for fuel leakage at connection points.
^ Start engine. With engine speed increased, check again for fuel leakage at connection points.
^ Run engine to check for unusual noise and vibration.
^ Warm up engine thoroughly to make sure there is no leakage of fuel, exhaust gases, or any oil/fluids including engine oil and engine coolant.
^ Bleed air from lines and hoses of applicable lines, such as in cooling system.
^ After cooling down engine, again check oil/fluid levels including engine oil and engine coolant. Refill to the specified level, if necessary.