This information is prepared for technicians who have attained a high level of skill and experience in repairing collision-damaged vehicles and also use modern service tools and equipment. Persons unfamiliar with body repair techniques should not attempt to repair collision-damaged vehicles by using this information.
Technicians are also encouraged to read Body Repair Fundamentals in order to ensure that the original functions and quality of the vehicle can be maintained. The Body Repair Fundamentals contains additional information, including cautions and warnings, that are not including in this information. Technicians should refer to both to ensure proper repairs.
Please note that this information is prepared for worldwide usage, and as such, certain procedures may not apply in some regions or countries.
- Front pillar butt joint can be determined anywhere within shaded area as shown in the figure. The best location for the butt joint is at position A due to the construction of the vehicle.
- Determine cutting position and record distance from the locating indent. Use this distance when cutting the service part. Cut outer front pillar over 60 mm (2.36 in) above the inner front pillar cut position.
- Prepare a cutting jig to make outer pillar easier to cut. Also, this will permit the service part to be accurately cut at the joint position.
- An example of cutting operation using a cutting jig is as per the following.
1. Mark cutting lines.
A: Cut position of outer pillar
B: Cut position of inner pillar
2. Align cutting line with notch on jig. Clamp jig to pillar.
3. Cut outer pillar along groove of jig (at position A).
4. Remove jig and cut remaining portions.
5. Cut inner pillar at position B in same manner.