Crankshaft Main Bearing
Bearing Clearance
Main Bearing Cap Torque and Sequence
Tighten lower cylinder block bolts in the numerical order as shown and according to the following steps:
a. Apply new engine oil to threads and seat surfaces of the bolts.
b. Tighten bolts No. 11 - 22 only in the order as shown, to specification below.
Step 1, bolts 11 - 22 only : 25.1 N.m (2.6 kg-m, 19 ft-lb)
c. Tighten bolts No. 1 - 10 only in the order as shown, to specification below.
Step 2, bolts 1 - 10 only : 39.2 N.m (4.0 kg-m, 29 ft-lb)
d. Tighten bolts No. 1 - 10 only in the order as shown, to specification below.