Brake Bleeding: Service and Repair
Bleeding Brake System
- While bleeding, pay attention to master cylinder fluid level.
- Before working, disconnect connectors of ABS actuator and electric unit (control unit) or battery cable from the negative terminal.
1. Connect a vinyl tube to rear right brake caliper bleed valve.
2. Fully depress brake pedal 4 or 5 times.
3. With brake pedal depressed, loosen bleed valve to bleed air in brake line, and then tighten it immediately.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until all of the air is out of the brake line.
5. Tighten the bleed valve to the specified torque. Refer to front disc brake: Brake Burnishing Procedure Exploded View, rear disc brake: Exploded View.
6. From step 1 to 5, with master cylinder reservoir tank filled at least half way, bleed air from brake hydraulic line bleed valves in the following order:
Rear right brake to Front left brake to Rear left brake to Front right brake