Service Procedure
This procedure will take 30 minutes with the ignition ON. Before starting the procedure, make sure to attach a battery charger to the vehicle battery and set it to a low charge rate (trickle charge).
1. Write down all radio and satellite station presets.
2. Check the SD card part number and replace it a with newer version ONLY if 25920-ZW00A is present.
Do not replace if the vehicle has ZW00B, ZW00C or ZW00D SD or newer SD cards.
^ Card can be ordered by using the "Nissan Audio Direct Exchange Order Form" under the Warranty tab on (an example of the form is shown above).
3. Insert the update NTB12-061 CD into NAVI unit (from Figure A in PARTS update INFORMATION).
a. Wait for APPLICATION (update) screen to appear.
b. Confirm that "Current Version" of NAVI software and "Media Version" are different.
> If both versions are the same, this bulletin does not apply.
c. If different, select Update.
4. After Update button is selected, screen in Figure 3 will be displayed first, and then screen in Figure 4 as update is being performed.
^ Wait until update is complete (this can take up to 30 minutes).
^ During this time the update disc will eject automatically and be drawn back into the unit to complete the update process.
This cycling is normal and part of the process.
During the Update Figure 5, which shows an "ARION & FGS XML DO NOT MATCH!" error, may be displayed and indicates that the Update has not yet completed.
5. Wait until the NAVI unit restarts on its own and returns to the main menu screen.
^ Do not turn the ignition off until after the system restarts.
^ After update has completed the NAVI screen may revert to Figure 2. If the versions are the same, the update is complete.
^ When complete, remove CD from NAVI unit.
6. Check and confirm that the software version has been updated by going into the Service Menu and then selecting "Version"
^ Press and hold the "SETUP" button while turning the tune knob quickly left, then right, then left again.
^ Knob must be turned left first and for at least 3 clicks in each direction.
7. Select Version.
8. Confirm the new Software Version.
^ The first line should show Software Version N603.
9. Re-enter customers radio presets written down in step 1.
Functional Changes with N603 Software:
1. Audio settings for some vehicles are changed.
^ Sound might need to be adjusted after software update.
2. Yearly Pop-up for Map update is removed.
3. Driving recommendations will occur sooner (while driving) than with previous software.
4. Routing algorithm has changed.
^ Routing to a destination maybe different than with previous version of software.