1.Install snap rings (1) along transaxle case groove so that notch mates with housing as shown.
- Do not reuse snap rings.
- Check snap ring installation direction.
- Be sure to align notch with housing.
2.Expand snap rings (1) and install input shaft rear bearing and mainshaft rear bearing to transaxle case, using Tool (A).
Check that snap ring is correctly installed within bearing groove.
3.Install check balls (2) to transaxle case.
4.Install bushings (1) until they reach transaxle case, using suitable tool (A).
Do not reuse bushings.
5.Apply gear oil to O-ring, and then install it to control shaft.
Do not reuse O-ring.
6.Install control shaft (1) to transaxle case, and tighten bolts (black arrow)
to the specified torque.
Replace control shaft and selector as a set.
7.Install selector to control shaft, and then install retaining pin (black arrow)
to selector, using suitable tool.
- Be careful with the orientation of selector.
- Replace control shaft and selector as a set.
- Do not reuse retaining pin.
8.Install gear catch, spring, and bushing to transaxle case, and then tighten bolt (black arrow) to the specified torque.
Replace gear catch, spring, and bushing as a set.
9.Install oil gutter to transaxle case.
10.Install air breather inner tube (2) to transaxle case.
Do not damage air breather inner tube.
It is easier to install when air breather inner tube end is wrapped and narrowed by tape. Remove tape after installation.
11.Insert 2-way connector (1) straight, and then install it to air breather inner tube.
Check air breather inner tube for twists after installing.
12.Install differential side oil seals (1) to clutch housing and transaxle case, using Tool.
- Do not reuse differential side oil seal.
- Do not tilt differential side oil seal.
- Do not damage clutch housing and transaxle case.
13.Install differential side bearing outer races until they reach clutch housing and transaxle case, using Tool (A).
Replace differential side bearing outer race and differential side bearing as a set.
Tool number: KV-32300QAE (-)
14.Install bushings (1) until they reach clutch housing, using suitable tool (A).
Do not reuse bushings.
15.Install oil channel to clutch housing.
Do not reuse oil channel.
16.Install mainshaft front bearing so that it becomes even with clutch housing surface, using Tool (A).
Tool number: ST-33400001 (-)
17.Install input shaft front bearing so that it becomes even with clutch housing surface, using Tool (A).
Tool number: KV-40100900 (-)
18.Install pinion gear, pinion shaft, and plug to clutch housing.
19.Install final drive (1) to clutch housing.
20.Install dowel pins (2) and magnet to clutch housing.
Do not reuse dowel pins.
21.Install reverse gear to clutch housing, and then install retaining pin to clutch housing, using suitable tool.
Do not reuse retaining pin.
22.Install 1st-2nd shift fork to 1st-2nd fork rod, and then install retaining pin to 1st-2nd shift fork.
- Do not reuse retaining pin.
- Replace 1st-2nd fork rod and 1st-2nd shift fork as a set.
23.Set 1st-2nd fork rod assembly (1) onto mainshaft assembly (2), and then install them to clutch housing.
24.Install lock pins (black arrow) to clutch housing.
25.Install 3rd-4th shift fork to 3rd-4th fork rod, and then install retaining pin to 3rd-4th shift fork.
- Do not reuse retaining pin.
- Replace 3rd-4th fork rod and 3rd-4th shift fork as a set.
26.Install 3rd-4th fork rod assembly (1), 3rd-4th coupling sleeve (2), and input shaft assembly (3) to clutch housing.
a.Pull 1st-2nd fork rod (4) up, and then maintain the neutral position.
b.Set 3rd-4th fork rod assembly onto 3rd-4th coupling sleeve, and then install them together with input shaft assembly to clutch housing.
- Set lock pin (3rd-4th fork rod side) onto 1st-2nd fork rod groove and then install 3rd-4th fork rod assembly.
- Be careful with the orientation of 3rd-4th coupling sleeve.
- Install 3rd input gear of input shaft assembly so that it is set under reverse main gear of 3rd-4th coupling sleeve.
- Replace 3rd-4th coupling sleeve and 3rd-4th synchronizer hub as a set.
c.Install springs and insert keys to 3rd-4th synchronizer hub.
d.Apply gear oil to 4th baulk ring.
e.Install 4th baulk ring.
27.Install 5th-reverse fork rod (1) to clutch housing.
Replace 5th-reverse fork rod and 5th-reverse shift fork as a set.
a.Pull gear of reverse gear (2) up.
b.Temporarily install 5th-reverse fork rod to clutch housing.
c.Press gear of reverse gear (1) down and then install 5th-reverse fork rod (2) to clutch housing.
Set levers of 5th-reverse fork rod so as to align with reverse gear groove (broken circle).
28.Install 4th main gear (2) and spacer (1) to mainshaft.
Install spacer so that spacer protrusion faces rear side of transaxle.
29.Press 3rd-4th shift fork down and then shift 3rd-4th coupling sleeve to 3rd gear side.
30.Move the shifter lever A (1) to the 3rd gear position.
- If it is not moved to the 3rd gear position, transaxle case cannot be installed to clutch housing.
- The 3rd gear position means that shifter lever A is fully rotated clockwise and it is returned approximately 10 degrees.
31.Apply recommended sealant to transaxle case mating surface of clutch housing.
-Use Genuine Silicone RTV or equivalent. Recommended Chemical Products And Sealants.
- Do not allow old Silicone RTV, moisture, oil, or foreign matter to remain on mating surface.
- Check that mating surface is not damaged.
- Apply a continuous bead of Silicone RTV to the mating surface.
32.Install transaxle case to clutch housing. If it is difficult to install, slightly rotate shifter lever A counterclockwise, and then install.
(1) : Selector
(2) : Shift fork
- Do not damage Silicone RTV bead with transaxle case or other objects during installation.
- Be careful to align the lever of 5th-reverse fork rod with reverse gear groove.
33.Rotate input shaft so that bearing and shaft fit each other, and then tighten transaxle bolts (black arrow) to the specified torque.
34.Apply recommended sealant to position switch thread and check ball plug thread. Install to transaxle case and tighten to specified torque.
-Use Genuine Silicone RTV or equivalent. Recommended Chemical Products And Sealants.
Do not allow old Silicone RTV, moisture, oil, or foreign matter to remain on thread.
35.Apply gear oil to mainshaft spline.
36.Install 5th main gear (1) to mainshaft, using a suitable bolt (A)
[M10 x 1.0] and a suitable nut (B).
37.Install adapter plate (1), bushing (2), and 5th input gear (3) to input shaft.
Be careful with the orientation of adapter plate.
38.Install 5th-reverse synchronizer hub, 5th-reverse coupling sleeve, and 5th-reverse shift fork.
a.Apply gear oil to 5th-reverse baulk ring.
b.Install 5th-reverse baulk ring (1) to 5th input gear.
Be careful with the orientation of 5th-reverse baulk ring.
c.Install synchronizer levers (2) to 5th-reverse synchronizer hub (3).
- Replace 5th-reverse synchronizer hub and 5th-reverse coupling sleeve as a set.
- Be careful with the orientation of synchronizer lever.
d.Install 5th-reverse synchronizer hub assembly and lock washer to input shaft.
- Be careful with the orientation of 5th-reverse synchronizer hub.
- Do not allow synchronizer lever (1) to overlap 5th-reverse baulk ring protrusion (A).
e.Set 5th-reverse shift fork (1) to 5th-reverse coupling sleeve, and then install them to 5th-reverse fork rod and input shaft.
Do not reuse nut.
- Be careful with the orientation of 5th-reverse coupling sleeve.
- Replace 5th-reverse synchronizer hub and 5th-reverse coupling sleeve as a set.
- Replace 5th-reverse shift fork and 5th-reverse fork rod as a set.
f.Check that the shifter lever A is in the 3rd position. Press 5threverse shift fork (1) and move shifter lever A to 5th gear.
g.Tighten bolt (B) to the specified torque.
h.Tighten nut (C) to the specified torque.
Do not reuse nut.
i.Install retaining pin to 5th-reverse shift fork, using suitable tool.
Do not reuse retaining pin.
39.Move shifter lever A (1) to the neutral position.
40.Install O-ring to rear housing.
Do not reuse O-ring.
41.Install rear housing to transaxle case, and tighten bolts (black arrow) to the specified torque.
- Do not reuse O-ring.
- Do not pinch O-ring when installing rear housing.
42.Install drain plug.
a.Install gasket to drain plug.
Do not reuse gasket.
b.Install drain plug to clutch housing, using suitable tool.
c.Tighten drain plug to the specified torque.
43.Install filler plug.
a.Install gasket to filler plug, and then install filler plug to transaxle case.
Do not reuse gasket.
b.Tighten filler plug to the specified torque.
Fill with gear oil before tightening filler plug to the specified torque.