Parking Brake System: Adjustments
1.Remove rear wheels and tires.
2.Insert a deep socket wrench onto adjusting nut. Rotate adjusting nut to fully loosen cable, and then release parking brake pedal.
3.Secure both disc rotors to hubs using wheel nuts so as not to tilt the disc rotors.
4.Remove both adjuster hole plugs installed on the disc rotors.
Turn the adjusters in direction (A) using a suitable tool or a flat bladed screwdriver as shown, until disc rotors are locked. Turn the adjusters in the opposite direction by 5 or 6 notches after locking.
5.Rotate the disc rotors to make sure that there is no drag. Install the adjuster hole plugs.
6.Adjust parking brake cable with the following procedure.
a.Rotate the adjusting nut to adjust parking brake pedal operating force to 490 N (50.0 kg-f, 110.2 lb-f) just before a full pedal stroke of 201.65 mm (7.94 in).
Do not reuse adjusting nut after removing it.
b.When replacing parking brake cable, operate parking brake pedal 10 or more times with a full stroke of 201.65 mm (7.94 in).
c.Release the parking brake pedal and rotate the disc rotors to make sure there is no drag.
d.Rotate the adjusting nut to adjust the parking brake pedal force to 196 N (20.0 kg-f, 44.1 lb-f) when the parking brake pedal stroke is within the specified number of notches. (check it by listening and counting the ratchet clicks).
Pedal stroke number of notches: Refer to "Parking Brake Control" Parking Brake Control
e.After adjustment, check that there is no drag with the parking brake pedal is being released. If drag exists, perform the following:
- Remove the rear disc rotors, refer to "BRAKE CALIPER ASSEMBLY : Removal and Installation" Removal And Installation. Verify the toggle pedals return to the stoppers when the parking brake lever is released.
- If a toggle lever does not return to a stopper, loosen adjusting nut.
- Install the rear disc rotor and adjust the shoe clearance. Refer to "BRAKE CALIPER ASSEMBLY : Removal and Installation" Removal And Installation.
7.Install rear wheels and tires. Refer to "Adjustment" Adjustment.