Re-Calibrating Actuators - Auxiliary
When replacing the auxiliary HVAC control module it will be necessary to allow the auxiliary HVAC control module to perform a re-calibration process. When installing the auxiliary HVAC control module be sure to perform the following:1. Place the ignition switch to the OFF position.
2. Disconnect the scan tool.
3. Install the auxiliary HVAC control module.
4. Re-connect all previously disconnected components.
5. Place the ignition switch in the RUN position.
6. Wait 40 seconds for the auxiliary HVAC control module to re-calibrate.
7. Verify that no DTCs have set as current DTCs.
When replacing an auxiliary HVAC actuator it will be necessary to allow the auxiliary HVAC control module to perform a re-calibration process. When installing the auxiliary HVAC actuator be sure to perform one of the following:
Preferred Method (W/Scan Tool)
1. Clear all DTCs
2. Place the ignition switch in the OFF position.
3. Install the auxiliary HVAC actuator.
4. Re-connect all previously disconnected components.
5. Place the ignition switch in the RUN position.
6. With the scan tool, initiate the HVAC Actuator Recal. feature of the RHVAC/RSA module Special Functions menu.
7. Verify that no DTCs have set as current DTCs.
Alternate Method (W/O Scan Tool)
1. Clear all DTCs
2. Place the ignition switch to the OFF position.
3. Disconnect the scan tool.
4. Install the auxiliary HVAC actuator.
5. Re-connect all previously disconnected components.
6. Remove the HVAC B fuse for a minimum of 10 seconds.
7. Re-install the HVAC B fuse.
8. Place the ignition switch in the RUN position.
9. Wait 40 seconds for the auxiliary HVAC control module to re-calibrate.
10. Verify that no DTCs have set as current DTCs.