Service Repair Manual
Disassembled Views
Second, Second Coast Clutch and Second Clutch Sprag Assembly:
500 - Second Coast Clutch Hub
501 - Coast Clutch Hub Thrust Washer
502 - Second Clutch Sprag End Bearing (2)
502 - Second Clutch Sprag End Bearing (2)
503 - Second Clutch Sprag Assembly
505 - Second Clutch Sprag Outer Race Assembly
506 - Second Clutch Sprag Outer Race Thrust Washer
Low and Reverse Clutch and Front Internal Gear Assembly:
510 - Low and Reverse Clutch Piston Inner Seal
511 - Low and Reverse Clutch Piston
512 - Low and Reverse Clutch Piston Outer Seal
513 - Low and Reverse Clutch Spring Assembly
514 - Low and Reverse Clutch Spring Retaining Ring
515 - Low and Reverse Clutch Backing Plate (2)
515 - Low and Reverse Clutch Backing Plate (2)
516 - Low and Reverse Clutch Plate Assembly - Fiber (4)
517 - Low and Reverse Clutch Plate - Steel (3)
518 - Low and Reverse Clutch Plate Retaining Ring
519 - Front Internal Gear Thrust Bearing Assembly
523 - Overrun Roller Clutch Assembly
526 - Front Internal Gear
527 - Front Internal Gear Flange
528 - Front Internal Gear Flange Retaining Ring
529 - Front Internal Gear Thrust Bearing Assembly
530 - Front Internal Gear Thrust Washer Race
Front Carrier Sun Assembly:
535 - Rear Internal Gear Thrust Bearing Assembly
536 - Rear Internal Gear
537 - Rear Sun Gear Thrust Bearing Race
538 - Rear Sun Gear Thrust Bearing Assembly
539 - Rear Sun Gear Assembly
540 - Input Shaft Thrust Bearing Assembly
541 - Front Sun Gear Retaining Ring
542 - Front Carrier Assembly
543 - Front Carrier Thrust Bearing Race
544 - Front Sun Gear
545 - Front Sun Gear Thrust Bearing Assembly
546 - Front Sun Gear Thrust Bearing Race
547 - Rear Internal Gear Flange
548 - Rear Internal Gear Flange Retaining Ring
Forward and Direct Clutch Assembly:
550 - Forward Clutch Backing Plate Retaining Ring
551 - Forward Clutch Backing Plate (Selective)
552 - Forward Clutch Plate Assembly - Fiber (4)
553 - Forward Clutch Plate - Steel (4)
554 - Direct Clutch Backing Plate Retaining Ring
555 - Direct Clutch Backing Plate (Selective)
556 - Direct Clutch Plate Assembly - Fiber (4)
557 - Direct Clutch Plate - Steel (4)
558 - Direct Clutch Apply Plate
559 - Direct Clutch Spring Retaining Ring
560 - Direct Clutch Spring Assembly
561 - Direct Clutch Piston Inner Seal
562 - Direct Clutch Piston
563 - Direct Clutch Piston Outer Seal
564 - Forward Clutch Piston Inner Seal
565 - Forward Clutch Piston
566 - Forward Clutch Piston Outer Seal
567 - Forward and Direct Clutch Housing Assembly - with Input Shaft
568 - Forward Clutch Housing Thrust Bearing Race (Selective)
569 - Forward Clutch Housing Thrust Bearing Assembly
570 - Input Shaft O-ring Seal
4-5 Clutch Drum Assembly:
575 - 4-5 Clutch Backing Plate Retaining Ring
576 - 4-5 Clutch Backing Plate (Selective)
577 - 4-5 Clutch Plate Assembly - Fiber (4)
578 - 4-5 Clutch Plate - Steel (4)
579 - 4-5 Clutch Piston Return Spring Retaining Ring
580 - 4-5 Clutch Piston Return Spring Assembly
581 - 4-5 Clutch Piston Inner Seal
582 - 4-5 Clutch Piston
583 - 4-5 Clutch Piston Outer Seal
584 - 4-5 Clutch Drum Assembly
1-2 Reverse Carrier Gear Assembly:
18 - 1-2 Reverse Carrier Gear Assembly
590 - 1-2 Reverse Carrier Thrust Washer (2)
590 - 1-2 Reverse Carrier Thrust Washer (2)
591 - 1-2 Reverse Carrier Gear Assembly
593 - 1-2 Reverse Internal Gear Front Thrust Bearing Assembly
594 - 1-2 Reverse Internal Gear
595 - 1-2 Reverse Internal Gear Rear Thrust Bearing Assembly
596 - 1-2 Reverse Internal Gear Shim - Selective
Automatic Transmission Case Cover Assembly and 1-2 Reverse Clutch Assembly:
66 - Automatic Transmission Fluid Pressure Test Hole Plug (UNF 5/16-24-2A) (7)
66 - Automatic Transmission Fluid Pressure Test Hole Plug (UNF 5/16-24-2A) (7)
67 - Automatic Transmission Fluid Pressure Test Hole Plug O-ring Seal (7)
67 - Automatic Transmission Fluid Pressure Test Hole Plug O-ring Seal (7)
600 - 1-2 Reverse Clutch Piston Return Spring Retaining Ring
601 - 1-2 Reverse Clutch Piston Return Spring Assembly
602 - 1-2 Reverse Clutch Piston Inner Seal
603 - 1-2 Reverse Clutch Piston
604 - 1-2 Reverse Clutch Piston Outer Seal
606 - Automatic Transmission Case Cover Assembly
607 - Forward Clutch Housing Fluid Seal Ring (3)
608 - 4-5 Clutch Apply Pipe Seal (2)
609 - 4-5 Clutch Apply Pipe
610 - 4-5 Clutch Apply Pipe Retainer (2)
611 - 4-5 Clutch Apply Pipe Bolt/Screw (M5 x 0.8 x 12) (4)
612 - Forward Clutch Accumulator Piston
613 - Forward Clutch Accumulator Piston Fluid Seal Ring
614 - Forward Clutch Accumulator Piston Spring - Natural Color
615 - Forward Clutch Accumulator Cover Seal
616 - Forward Clutch Accumulator Cover
617 - Forward Clutch Accumulator Cover Bolt/Screw (M6 x 1.0 x 14.5) (2)
618 - 1-2 Reverse Clutch Apply Plate
619 - 1-2 Reverse Clutch Plate - Steel (6)
620 - 1-2 Reverse Clutch Plate Assembly - Fiber (6)
621 - 1-2 Reverse Clutch Backing Plate (Selective)
622 - 1-2 Reverse Clutch Backing Plate Retaining Ring
623 - Front Differential Transfer Drive Gear Assembly Rear Bearing Assembly
624 - Front Differential Transfer Drive Gear Assembly Lube Seal Ring - Rear
625 - Input Shaft Bearing
628 - Forward/Direct Clutch Housing Thrust Bearing Race