Engine - Excessive Exhaust Smoke and Rough Running
Number 83-I-45 Section 6B Date 03/83Subject: EXCESSIVE EXHAUST SMOKE AND ROUGH RUNNING 1980-1983 DIESEL ENGINES
Diesel engines that exhibit exhaust smoke and run rough after cold starting may usually be corrected by dynamic timing. If timing does not correct this condition, check the housing pressure cold advance (HPCA) for proper operation (1981 through 1983 models). Also, check for a sticking advance piston in the injection pump (1980 through 1983 models).
To check for a sticking advance piston, push in on the bottom of the face cam lever on the right side of the injection pump. This will retard timing and cause the engine to run rough if the advance piston is free. If there is no change, the piston is sticking.