Parking Brake System: Adjustments
Need for parking brake adjustment is indicated if the service brake operates with sufficient pedal reserve, but the parking brake pedal travel is less than 9 ratchet clicks or more than 16 ratchet clicks.
1. Depress parking brake pedal three ratchet clicks, then raise and support rear of vehicle.
2. Check to ensure that equalizer nut groove is sufficiently lubricated with grease, then tighten adjusting nut until right rear wheel can just be rotated rearward, but is locked when forward rotation is attempted.
3. Release parking brake lever. Both wheels should rotate freely in either direction with no brake drag.
1. Apply service brake pedal three times, then apply and release parking brake lever three times.
2. Raise and support vehicle, then place alignment mark on wheel and axle flange.
3. Check parking brake hand lever for full release as follows:
a. Turn ignition switch to On position and ensure ``BRAKE'' warning lamp is Off.
b. If ``BRAKE'' warning lamp is still On, with hand lever fully released, pull front parking brake cable downward to remove slack from pedal assembly.
4. Remove rear wheels, then install two lug nuts to secure rotor.
5. Ensure parking brake levers on both calipers are against lever stops on caliper housings. If levers are not against stops, check for binding in rear cables, then loosen cable adjuster unit levers are properly positioned.
6. Tighten parking brake cable at adjuster until either left or right lever begins to move off the stop, then loosen adjuster until lever moves back barely touching stop.
7. Operate parking brake lever several times to ensure proper adjustment. Hand lever should not travel more than 8 ratchet clicks and rear wheels should not rotate forward when hand lever is applied 5 to 8 ratchet clicks.
8. Install rear wheels, aligning marks on wheel and axle flange.