MC Solenoid Adjustment
Fig. 9 E2SE carburetor mixture control adjustments:
1. Remove plug covering idle mixture adjusting screw as outlined in ``Concealment Plug Removal.'' Turn mixture screw in (clockwise) until lightly seated, then back screw out 4 turns.
2. If plug covering idle air bleed valve, Fig. 9, has been removed, inspect valve for blockage and replace plug in air horn. If plug is in place, do not remove plug.
3. Remove vent stack screen to gain access to lean-mixture screw in bottom of float bowl, Fig. 9.
4. Turn lean mixture screw in (clockwise) until lightly seated, then back screw out 2 1/2 turns.
5. Install carburetor on engine with air cleaner off and related vacuum fittings plugged.
6. Disconnect bowl vent hose at carburetor. Disconnect and plug vacuum hoses at EGR valve and ``T'' fitting in bowl vent hose. Disconnect canister purge hose at carburetor and plug vacuum fitting.
7. Remove secondary vacuum break thermal vacuum switch from air cleaner, then disconnect hose to thermostatic air cleaner from switch and plug fitting on switch. Leave all other vacuum hoses connected to switch.
8. Connect dwell meter to test lead (green wire) in MC solenoid harness and set meter on 6 Cylinder scale. Connect tachometer to engine following manufacturer's instructions.
9. Start engine and run at fast idle until engine cooling fan cycles and engine enters ``Closed Loop'' mode of operation, indicated by a fluctuating dwell reading.