A/T - Harsh 1-2 Upshift
Number 84-7-36 Date 8/84Subject: HARSH 1-2 UPSHIFT
Models Affected: All 1983 & 1984 THM 200-4R
Figure 1 - Typical THM 200-4R Space Plate Assembly:
Some 1983 and 1984 THM 200-4R Model Transmissions may experience a harsh 1-2 upshift. This harsh 1-2 upshift may be caused by the second clutch check ball peening the second clutch apply oil hole on the spacer plate. For location of the second clutch apply oil hole on the spacer plate, refer to figure 1 for the 200-4R. To correct this condition, replace the valve body to spacer plate gasket, spacer plate to case gasket and spacer plate. Refer to your parts list for part numbers.