Engine: Service and Repair
Remove or Disconnect
1. Hood
^ For easier installation, scribe marks should be made at hood hinge to hood mating surface.
2. Negative battery cable
3. Engine coolant
4. Air cleaner
5. Fan blade, pulleys arid belts
6. A/C compressor from mounting bracket, if equipped
7. Radiator and heater hoses from engine
8. Fan shroud assembly
9. Power steering pump to mounting bracket bolts and position out of the way
10. Fuel line
11. Battery ground cable from engine
12. Vacuum hosing to all non-engine mounted components
13. Accelerator cable at carburetor
14. Engine wiring harness connector
15. Generator
16. Engine to body ground strap(s) at engine
17. Raise and suitably support car
18. Crossover pipe from exhaust manifolds
19. Flex plate cover and torque converter bolts
^ Use a scribe to mark relationship of torque converter to flex plate.
20. Wiring at starter motor.
21. Transmission to cylinder block attaching bolts
22. Front motor mount to frame bracket attaching bolts
23. Lower car and support the transmission
24. Install engine lift fixture
25. Engine Assembly
^ For inspection and overhaul procedures, refer to Engine.
Install or Connect
1. Lower engine into car.
2. Transmission to cylinder block attaching bolts
3. Raise and suitably support car.
4. Front motor to frame bracket attaching bolts
5. Torque converter bolts and flex plate cover
6. Wiring at starter motor
7. Crossover pipe to exhaust manifold
8. Lower car.
9. Engine to body ground straps at engine
10. Generator
11. Engine wiring harness connector
12. Accelerator cable at carburetor
13. Vacuum hosing to all non-engine mounted components
14. Battery ground cable from engine
15. Fuel pump hoses
16. Power steering pump to mounting bracket bolts and secure.
17. Fan shroud assembly
18. Radiator and heater hoses to engine
19. A/C compressor to mounting bracket, if equipped
20. Fan blade, pulleys and belts and adjust to proper tension
21. Engine oil as needed
22. Engine coolant
23. Air cleaner
24. Negative battery cable
^ For proper completion of repair
^ For fluid and exhaust leaks