Brakes - Drag Condition, Adjustment of Brake Switch
89pontiac08Bulletin Number: 89-5-9
Reference Number: 915002R
Publish Date: 4/89
Models 1980 - 1989 ALL MODELS EXCEPT 1988-89
Affected: GRAND PRIX
Some vehicles may experience a condition of light brake drag while driving. These conditions have been found to be more noticeable on vehicles which have an anti-lock brake system.
This may be caused by improper brake switch adjustment. If the brake switch is not adjusted properly, the switch may push on the brake pedal and cause the brake to remain partially applied.
If a vehicle exhibits any of the above conditions perform the following functional brake switch adjustment check:
The following steps should be used to check brake switch adjustment:
1. Remove the driver-side hush panel.
2. Gently pull back on the brake pedal until no audible clicks are heard. The switch will be moved in the tubular retainer providing adjustment.
CAUTION: If the pedal is pulled with a force exceeding 20 lbs. on ABS equipped cars, the push rod may disengage from its socket.
3. Replace the hush panel.
4. Verify that the brake drag condition is no longer present and that the cruise control and brake lights function properly.
If the functional brake switch adjustment check does not repair the condition, refer to Section 5 of the appropriate Service Information Manual for aid in diagnosing other causes.
For warranty purposes use Labor Operation N2440 at .3 hour.