Vehicle - Past Model Warranty Claims Processing
Number 87-WA-12 Date 6/87
Attention: Service Manager
Effective with 1988 model year claims processing, scheduled to begin with Credit Cycle 724, any claims involving 1979 and older vehicles will require different processing.
The changes will be as follows:
1. All claims involving 1979 and prior vehicles will require zone authorization as outlined in previous Bulletin 86-WA-9.
2. A seven position labor operation is only valid for the processing of 1979 and prior Product Campaigns that were originally issued a seven position labor operation. Seven position labor operations will no longer be valid for regular warranty claim submission. All regular warranty claims (with the exception of Campaigns) must be submitted with a five position labor operation obtained from the 1980 Labor Time Guide. Select the operation that best describes the repair performed. If a regular warranty claim is submitted with a seven position labor operation, the claim will reject for a reason 31 - Labor Operation Missing/Incorrect/Not on File.
It should be noted that a dealer authorization will not override this claim condition because all vehicles in this category are beyond 5 years/50,000 miles.
This information should be shared with all personnel responsible for warranty claim submission and preparation.